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FeedSensor for external DNS resolution



I was wondering if there was a Sensor or a script, I could use to test if a FQDn resolves to a specific IP over an External defined DNS, so if it doesn't resolve to that IP anymore it's gonna give me a warning.


FQDN: pbx.example.com DNS: (Google DNS) IP: normal PBX)

If the IP would change to 456.456.456.456(example failover PBX) a warning would get triggered.

The reason it has to be an external DNS Server is, our internal DNS Server would always resolve it to our normal PBX and would never change to be the failover one.

Thanks for any ideas or answers in advance

dns dns-resolution external prtg resolution resolver

Created on Apr 28, 2021 2:48:17 PM

1 Reply



Hello, we currently don't have a sensor that could do this. But if you are able to create a script for this, you can run it on a Exe/Script sensor so PRTG can execute that script on the probe machine and alert based on the returned values. But we do not create custom scripts as those include very specific information of your system.

Created on Apr 30, 2021 7:48:20 PM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]

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