Trying to figure out where I can define/replace some colors.
For the traffic light it was pretty easy as the color was defined in hex right in the map object file.
I'm now trying to do status donut with dark text. It has an include to ../includes/donut.htm
The colors for the donut segments are defined like:
<#colorcode color="statuswarning">:<#objectstatus name="warnsens" id="@objid" varexpand="id" show="textraw" valueifempty="0">
If I edit the "statuswarning" part to a hexcode it turns fuschia, I assume as a default because my change broke something.
So it looks like I need to find where these colors are defined and add my own, or maybe there is another way to edit the donut.htm file only (saved as mydonut.htm).
I've grepped through a lot of the files that I think would include the definitions but haven't come up with anything.
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