I return the following JSON:
{"Prtg":{"Text":"There are some problems","Result":[{"Channel":"Cameras Errors","Value":4,"LimitMode":1,"LimitMaxError":0}]}}
This works fine and the whole sensor is in error.
Sometimes tho I just want to put the sensor in warning state, this is what I tried:
{"Prtg":{"Text":"There are some problems","Result":[{"Channel":"Cameras Errors","Value":4,"LimitMode":1,"LimitMaxError":0,"Warning":1}]}}
This does not work (the channel remains in error even tho I set "Warning" to 1. It only works if I also set the "Value" to "0".
Is this the only way?
I know that once the channel is created I cannot change the "LimitMaxError" value etc, and I cannot script the sensor channel limits based on a schedule, it really has to be within the XML answer.
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