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Port-Channel, first port down then warning, second port down then error




Is it possible to configure a sensor for port channel? we have two ports in this channel and I would like to have a warning when the first port is on suspended or down and an error when both port are suspended or down. How can I configure this situation?


alarm configuration port-channel

Created on Jun 9, 2021 12:22:57 PM

3 Replies




Getting an error only when two sensors are down would only be possible by using an additional factory sensor as workaround. Have a look here:
- https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/26743
- https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/63163

Created on Jun 10, 2021 8:20:10 AM by  Timo Dambach [Paessler Support]



Thank you for your reply.

I could create a business process sensor and I it works perfectly. Now I have and other part I would configure. Is it possible to check the warning or the down state with the business process sensor even if i have marked "ignore all disconnected states" on the interfaces?

Created on Jun 11, 2021 5:46:33 AM




No, I'm afraid this is not possible. If you are using the setting "ignore all disconnected states", the traffic sensor will always show the "UP" status and therefore the business process sensor is not able to check any warning/down state.

Created on Jun 15, 2021 11:13:11 AM by  Timo Dambach [Paessler Support]

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