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FeedCisco Catalys 9800 WLAN Controller AP counting



Hello, we use the this Controller and I found no easy posibility to count the AP`s wich are connected to the Controller. In the KB i found only some solutions for the "older" Controllers but nothing for the 9800 series.

Do you have a solution for this?

Many thanks Christof

ap-count cisco-wlc wlan

Created on Jun 14, 2021 2:05:12 PM

9 Replies



Hi there,

as the 9800 series seems to support the IRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB and CISCO-LWAPP-SYS-MIB, it might work to use the Cisco WLC device template. Please try to create the sensors as explained here.

Kind regards,
Matthias Kupfer - Team Tech Support

Created on Jun 15, 2021 10:21:48 AM by  Matthias Kupfer [Paessler Support]



Hello Matthias, thanks for the info. These articel i have also found and tested... but no effect.

It seems the 9800 series do not use exact the same MIB as the older models. Do you know an other way?

Best regards


Created on Jun 15, 2021 10:40:17 AM



Hello Matthias, thanks for the info. I tested these setup but still no effect. I can only see on a SNMP Walk with the OID the status of each AP separate. But i didn`t see the count of all AP´s

Created on Jun 16, 2021 7:08:42 AM



Hi Christof,

In this case, you will have to examine the supported MIBs of the device, if there is a OID that gives you the count of all Access Points. If in doubt, please ask Cisco Support, as they should be able to provide you this OID, if it exists.

Kind regards,
Matthias Kupfer - Team Tech Support

Created on Jun 18, 2021 10:50:48 AM by  Matthias Kupfer [Paessler Support]



Hello Matthias, Any change the WLC template can be updated to include support for the new C9800 controller series? Would make our life a whole lot easier.

Created on Jul 15, 2021 7:52:01 PM



Hi there,

the problem is that the WLC 9800 does not support some required OIDs, as explained in the following cisco bug info: https://quickview.cloudapps.cisco.com/quickview/bug/CSCvv44330

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do here, if the device does not provide us the necessary information.

Kind regards,
Matthias Kupfer - Team Tech Support

Created on Jul 20, 2021 4:59:53 PM by  Matthias Kupfer [Paessler Support]



Hello all,

i have now build a Customsensor based on Powershell for this.

I use the SNMP-OID . --> a list of all activ WLAN-AP on the controller.

Count them and that´s it.

It is not exact that what i need but i see the count of all activ AP`s.

The alert is realy simple --> 1 AP more or less --> alert ;-)


Custom Sensor Count WLAN-AP

Ver : 1.0


Count Numbr of active WLAN-AP on a Cisco 9800 Controller

important Sensorsettings in the parameterfield:

%host %snmpcommunity (check the correct order!!)

--> %host -- IP-address of your WLC

--> %snmpcommunitiy -- Read Only SNMP Community

Scanning Interval 1h

addional Powershell Modules to load or install:

--> SNMP

--> form GermanPowerShell https://germanpowershell.com

PRTG Funktionen Version 1.2b (script)

------- Script -------

Import-Module "....\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML\GPS_PRTGFunktionen.ps1"

Import-Module SNMP


$HostId = [string]$args[0] ## Read value 1 from the parameterfield

$CommId = [string]$args[1] ## Read value 2 from the parameterfield

$ApOid1 = '.' # OID BSN-APEntry

$ApAll = @() # AP-List set to 0

- Request the List of all WLAN-AP on Controller

$ApAll = Invoke-SnmpWalk -IP $HostId -Community $CommId -OIDStart $ApOid1

- Count Number of WLAN-AP

$APCount = $ApAll.count

$outputvar += Write-PRTGChannel -Titel "AP Count" -Value $APCount

Write-PRTGOut -OutputVariable $outputvar

Created on Jul 21, 2021 6:48:19 AM



Matthias: This bug has been fixed as of firmware 17.5.1 (April 2021). Can we have the WLC template updated now?

Created on Dec 19, 2022 5:11:06 PM



Hello ashearer,

If the bug is fixed and if your device now supports all required OIDs, the template should be working as it it. If it's not working, feel free to open a support ticket (email at support@paessler.com) for this, so we can have a closer look.

Created on Dec 22, 2022 7:32:29 AM by  Timo Dambach [Paessler Support]

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