Hi to all of you, I am posting a help request as I need to create a PRTG Output for a superb Nvidia Grid License Overview Powershell Script that was created by John Billekens and that you can find here:
The PowerShell scripts works perfectly even with multiple Nvidia Grid Licenses, the only issue I have not being a PowerShell Pro is to write to PRTG multiple licenses outputs.
Here is the script:
<# .SYNOPSIS Get the Nvidia License Feature Details .DESCRIPTION Get the Nvidia License Feature Details .EXAMPLE Get-NvidiaLicencedFeatureDetails.ps1 View all license details .EXAMPLE Get-NvidiaLicencedFeatureDetails.ps1 | Where-Object {$_.FeatureName -eq "GRID-Virtual-PC" } View all GRID-Virtual-PC licenses .NOTES File Name : Get-NvidiaLicencedFeatureDetails.ps1 Version : v1.1 Author : John Billekens Requires : PowerShell v5 and up Nvidia License server .PARAMETER URI Specify the License server URI Default Value: http://localhost:8080/ .PARAMETER MaxIDs Specify the Max number of IDs being scanned, if you miss licenses, try to enter an higher ID (only for large companies or with multiple licenses) Default Value: 20 .LINK https://blog.j81.nl #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "URI")] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "URI", Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern('^(http[s]?)(:\/\/)([^\s,]+)')] [System.URI]$URI = "http://localhost:8080/", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Other")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Protocol = "http", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Other")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ServerFQDN = "localhost", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Other")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ServerPort = "8080", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "URI")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Other")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int]$MaxIDs = 20, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "URI")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Other")] [Switch]$Summary ) #requires -version 5.0 if (-Not ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "URI")) { Write-Warning "-Protocol, -ServerFQDN and -ServerPort are legacy parameters" $URI = [System.URI]"{0}://{1}:{2}/" -f $Protocol, $ServerFQDN, $ServerPort } $LicencedFeatureDetails = [PSCustomObject]@() $ErrorLoopCount = 0 $DataFound = $false for ($i = 1; $i -le $MaxIDs; $i++) { try { $URL = "{0}licserver/manageFeatureUsage_featureDetails.action?feature.featureId={1}&page=1" -f $URI.AbsoluteUri, $i $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $URL $FeatureName = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:<span class="heading1"><a title=")(?<FeatureName>[a-zA-Z-]+?)"' } | ForEach { $matches['FeatureName'] } } catch { $null } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FeatureName)) { $Version = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Version).+?(?=;));(?<Version>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['Version'] } } catch { $null } $TotalCount = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Total count).+?(?=;));(?<TotalCount>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['TotalCount'] } } catch { $null } $Available = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Available).+?(?=;));(?<Available>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['Available'] } } catch { $null } $CurrentUsage = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Current Usage).+?(?=;));(?<CurrentUsage>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['CurrentUsage'] } } catch { $null } $ReservedCount = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Reserved Count).+?(?=;));(?<ReservedCount>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['ReservedCount'] } } catch { $null } $VendorString = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Vendor String).+?(?=;));(?<VendorString>.+?(?= <))' } | ForEach { $matches['VendorString'] } } catch { $null } $FeatureExpiry = try { $Response.RawContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?:.+?(?=Feature Expiry).+?(?=;));(?<FeatureExpiry>.+?(?=\s))' } | ForEach { $matches['FeatureExpiry'] } } catch { $null } try { $FeatureExpiry = [DateTime]::Parse($FeatureExpiry) $FeaturesDaysLeft = (New-TimeSpan -Start $(Get-Date) -End $FeatureExpiry).Days if ($FeaturesDaysLeft -lt 1) { Write-Warning "License `"$FeatureName`" (ID: $i) is expired!" } elseif ($FeaturesDaysLeft -lt 90) { Write-Warning "The `"$FeatureName`" (ID: $i) license will expire in $FeaturesDaysLeft days!" } } catch { $FeatureExpiry = $FeatureExpiry $FeaturesDaysLeft = -1 } $CurrentUsageClients = [PSCustomObject]@{ ClientID = [string]"" ClientIDType = [string]"" ClientType = [string]"" TotalCountServed = [Int32]0 Expiry = [Nullable[DateTime]]$null } $Pattern = '(?:.+?(?=TRTableBorderBottom)(?s:.)+?(?=<a title=).+?(?=>))>(?<ClientID>.+?(?=<))(?:(?s:.)+?(?=<a title=).+?(?=>))>(?<ClientIDType>.+?(?=<))(?:(?s:.)+?(?=<a title=).+?(?=>))>(?<ClientType>.+?(?=<))(?:(?s:.)+?(?=[0-9]))(?<TotalCountServed>[0-9])(?:(?s:.)+?(?=[0-9]))(?<Expiry>[a-zA-Z0-9-:.]*)' $RxMatches = Select-String -InputObject $Response.RawContent -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches try { $CurrentUsageClients = $RxMatches.Matches | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ ClientID = $(try { $_.Groups["ClientID"].Value } catch { $null }) ClientIDType = $(try { $_.Groups["ClientIDType"].Value } catch { $null }) ClientType = $(try { $_.Groups["ClientType"].Value } catch { $null }) TotalCountServed = $(try { [Int32]::Parse($($_.Groups["TotalCountServed"].Value)) } catch { $($_.Groups["TotalCountServed"].Value) }) Expiry = $(try { [DateTime]::Parse($($_.Groups["Expiry"].Value)) } catch { $($_.Groups["Expiry"].Value) }) } } } catch { } $LicencedFeatureDetails += [PSCustomObject]@{ ID = $i FeatureName = $FeatureName Version = $Version TotalCount = $(try { [int]::Parse($TotalCount) } catch { $TotalCount } ) Available = $(try { [int]::Parse($Available) } catch { $Available } ) CurrentUsage = $(try { [int]::Parse($CurrentUsage) } catch { $CurrentUsage } ) ReservedCount = $(try { [int]::Parse($ReservedCount) } catch { $ReservedCount } ) VendorString = $VendorString FeatureExpiry = $FeatureExpiry FeatureDaysLeft = $FeaturesDaysLeft Uri = $URL CurrentUsageClients = $CurrentUsageClients } } elseif ($Data -like "*Error:*") { if ($DataFound) { $ErrorLoopCount++ } if ($ErrorLoopCount -ge 20) { break } } } catch { $ErrorLoopCount++ Write-Verbose "Error Message: $_.Exception.Message" } } if ($Summary) { $LicencedFeatureDetails | Format-Table -Property ID,FeatureName,FeatureExpiry,TotalCount,CurrentUsage -AutoSize } else { return $LicencedFeatureDetails }
Here is the PowerShell Output when you have 3 Licenses Active
WARNING: The "GRID-Virtual-PC" (ID: 1) license will expire in 46 days! WARNING: The "GRID-Virtual-PC" (ID: 3) license will expire in 46 days! ID : 1 FeatureName : GRID-Virtual-PC Version : 2.0 TotalCount : 30 Available : 30 CurrentUsage : 0 ReservedCount : 0 VendorString : GRID-Virtual-PC-1 FeatureExpiry : 08.08.2021 00:00:00 FeatureDaysLeft : 46 Uri : http://nexcomp01:8080/licserver/manageFeatureUsage_featur eDetails.action?feature.featureId=1&page=1 CurrentUsageClients : @{ClientID=; ClientIDType=; ClientType=; TotalCountServed=0; Expiry=} ID : 2 FeatureName : GRID-Virtual-PC Version : 2.0 TotalCount : 3 Available : 1 CurrentUsage : 2 ReservedCount : 0 VendorString : GRID-Virtual-PC-1 FeatureExpiry : 11.03.2022 00:00:00 FeatureDaysLeft : 261 Uri : http://nexcomp01:8080/licserver/manageFeatureUsage_featur eDetails.action?feature.featureId=2&page=1 CurrentUsageClients : {@{ClientID=0050569236C3; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 18:14:59}, @{ClientID=005056922CEB; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 18:16:59}} ID : 3 FeatureName : GRID-Virtual-PC Version : 2.0 TotalCount : 30 Available : 0 CurrentUsage : 30 ReservedCount : 0 VendorString : GRID-Virtual-PC-2 FeatureExpiry : 08.08.2021 00:00:00 FeatureDaysLeft : 46 Uri : http://nexcomp01:8080/licserver/manageFeatureUsage_featur eDetails.action?feature.featureId=3&page=1 CurrentUsageClients : {@{ClientID=00505692A44A; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 16:29:59}, @{ClientID=005056923DB2; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 16:30:59}, @{ClientID=005056928421; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 16:47:59}, @{ClientID=0050569242AF; ClientIDType=ETHERNET; ClientType=VIRTUAL; TotalCountServed=1; Expiry=23.06.2021 17:18:59}...}
The desired channels in PRTG would be:
License ID Total Count Available Current Usage FeatureExpiry FeatureDaysLeft
I managed to get the output to PRTG for one license but I am a little ashamed to post the end of my script as it's not very "clean", oh well
Write-Host "<prtg>" "<text>Feature Name: GRID-Virtual-PC / Feature Expiry: $FeatureExpiry / Feature Days Left: $FeaturesDaysLeft / Available License(s):$Available</text>" Write-Host "<result>" "<channel>Total Count</channel>" "<value>$TotalCount</value>" "</result>" Write-Host "<result>" "<channel>Available</channel>" "<value>$Available</value>" "</result>" Write-Host "<result>" "<channel>Feature Days Left</channel>" "<value>$FeaturesDaysLeft</value>" "</result>" Write-Host "</prtg>"
I would be very grateful if someone could help me further, I promise I'll get myself a crush course in Advanced PowerShell Scripting.
Thank you in advance for your help.
BR Greg
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