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FeedCan I send different notifications for down sensor on a schedule?



I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have one Notification Template that is delivered during business hours and a different Template that is delivered after hours. I want to use one email address to notify during business hours, and then a different email address after hours. Is there a way to do that?

down-sensor notification-template schedule

Created on Jun 29, 2021 4:47:34 PM

4 Replies



I think I might have found my own answer for this. Looks like if I create the two different schedules, and then create two notification templates with each assigned to one or the other schedule, that should do it. Will test to verify that I've got this correct, so if not I'd be happy to hear the proper steps.

Created on Jun 29, 2021 7:41:44 PM




Yes, that's the way to go.

Kind regards,
Birk Guttmann, Tech Support Team

Created on Jul 2, 2021 11:41:03 AM by  Birk Guttmann [Paessler Support]



So now when I get to a Sensor, and I want a threshold trigger to use one Notification Template during my office hours and a different outside of the office hours, how do I do that? Do I just duplicate the threshold trigger, one with the office hours notification template assigned and the other with the after hours notification template?

Created on Jul 2, 2021 2:16:03 PM



Hello there,

Yes, you need to configure two templates, each with the according schedule for office or not office hours. You need to add those templates with two different notification triggers to the according objects int he device tree.

Kind regards,
Birk Guttmann, Tech Support Team

Created on Jul 8, 2021 5:12:20 PM by  Birk Guttmann [Paessler Support]

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