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FeedShowing 95th Percentile value in header in XML with API



Hi, I want to get an 95th percentile value in header but when I tried this url:


I can show xml file but it does not contain header. Header contains: - Report time span, sensor type, request stats, average (total traffic), percentile

I need to take percentile value from header but i can not...

Can you help me how i can give that value?

api percentile prtg

Created on Aug 18, 2021 1:21:32 PM

3 Replies



Hello Beratcolak,

Thanks for reaching out to us and for using our PRTG Network Monitor.

Can you please elaborate what headers you exactly expect from the XML report? You can also use the .csv export, which contains all headers according to my test:

https://<PRTG Server Address>/api/historicdata.csv?id=42600&sdate=2021-07-01-00-00-00&edate=2021-07-04-01-00-00&usecaption=1&avg=0&pctavg=300&pctshow=true&pct=95&pctmode=false

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Aug 19, 2021 8:53:26 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

Last change on Aug 19, 2021 8:53:49 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



I want to see percentile value in header but in xml, i can not see percentile value. It directly show me Date Time, OUT Traffic, IN Traffic etc.

For example, I copied from other question...

Report Time Span:	13/11/2016 5:23:00 p. m. - 14/11/2016 5:23:00 p. m.
Sensor Type:	SNMP Traffic 64bit (60 s Interval)
Probe, Group, Device:	Organic Infrastructure > xxxxxx
Uptime Stats:	Up:	100 % 	[23h59m1s]	Down:	0 % 	[0s]
Request Stats:	Good:	100 % 	[1440]	Failed:	0 % 	[0]
Average (Traffic Total):	325.779 kbit/s
Total (Traffic Total):	3.380.866.926 KByte
**Percentile	564.873 kbit/s**

XML do not show me this header. I need to percentile value in header.

Created on Aug 20, 2021 7:28:31 AM

Last change on Aug 20, 2021 9:17:43 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]




With the API call mentioned in your first reply, the percentile values are part of the XML body - the XML headers do not transport such information if this is your question. Here is how the XML results look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <histdata totalcount="73" listend="1">
    <datetime>01.07.2021 00:00:00 - 01:00:00</datetime>
    <value channel="Traffic Total (volume)" channelid="-1">75.620 KB</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic Total (volume)" channelid="-1">77435174.2528</value_raw>
    <value channel="Traffic Total (speed)" channelid="-1">172 kbit/s</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic Total (speed)" channelid="-1">21509.9499</value_raw>
    <value channel="Traffic In (volume)" channelid="0">41.742 KB</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic In (volume)" channelid="0">42743718.3920</value_raw>
    <value channel="Traffic In (speed)" channelid="0">95 kbit/s</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic In (speed)" channelid="0">11873.3541</value_raw>
    <value channel="Traffic Out (volume)" channelid="1">33.878 KB</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic Out (volume)" channelid="1">34691455.8609</value_raw>
    <value channel="Traffic Out (speed)" channelid="1">77 kbit/s</value>
    <value_raw channel="Traffic Out (speed)" channelid="1">9636.5958</value_raw>
    <value channel="Downtime" channelid="-4">0 %</value>
    <value_raw channel="Downtime" channelid="-4">0.0000</value_raw>
    <percentile>175 kbit/s</percentile>
    <coverage>100 %</coverage>

You can change the format in a scripts afterwards to further adjust these to your needs, but not via the API calls to PRTG.

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Aug 20, 2021 9:40:05 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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