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FeedPRTG Unable to Access Juniper Switch Ex3300 Through SNMP




I have installed PRTG and put it on auto discovery through which PRTG only accessed 2 x Sensors for the mentioned Juniper Switch EX3300 the detected sensors were PING AND HTTP for which switch was configured. The IOS Version is.

Model: EX3300-24t JUNOS: [15.1R7.9] JUNOS EX Software Suite [15.1R7.9] JUNOS FIPS mode utilities [15.1R7.9] JUNOS Online Documentation [15.1R7.9] JUNOS EX 3300 Software Suite [15.1R7.9] JUNOS Web Management Platform Package [15.1R7.9]

I also tried the MIBs for the mentioned switch the version is (juniper-mibs-15.1R7.80) but still it is unable to access the Switch. Please find the SNMP Configuration done on the Switch below. (

community public { authorization read-only; clients {; } } community private { authorization read-write; clients {; } } trap-group PRTG { version v2; categories { chassis; link; } targets {; )

Kindly need your help.


Faisal Ayub Khan

juniper-ex3300 prtg sensors

Created on Aug 24, 2021 6:39:34 AM

1 Reply



Hello Faisal.

Thanks for your post.

Have you already configure the SNMP Credentials in the device settings? Could you please try to add an SNMP Uptime Sensor? Do you see any errors?

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards,
Chan Siau Hen
Technical Support Team, Paessler AG.

Created on Aug 24, 2021 7:29:12 AM by  Chan Siau Hen [Paessler Technical Support]

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