I'm trying to get Memory Usage stats from a Mac Mini server, however none of PRTG's sensors are working with it (It's a Mid 2011 Mac Mini). So I figured I would use the SSH Script sensor. I already have a script that tells me the "Up/Down" status of a process, which works successfully with PRTG...so I'm trying to adapt that script to what I'm needing.
I want to run the following command:
top -l 1 | head -n 10 | grep PhysMem | sed 's/, /n /g'
which gives me the output of(However...it varies each time...so therin lies my issue):
PhysMem: 1663M wiredn 3991M activen 10G inactiven 16G usedn 442M free.
Does anyone have any formats where I can have the script run that command and then pipe it out to an acceptable way for PRTG to read it and then graph it?
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