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FeedWMI Sensors Failing



I have added my PRTG service account to an Active Directory group, which is in turn added to the Administrators group on my servers.

The WMI sensors are failing on some of my servers (other servers work correctly). If I add the PRTG service account directly to the Administrators group (no other changes) the WMI sensors work correctly.

Any ideas?

permissions prtg wmi

Created on Oct 19, 2021 11:44:12 AM

1 Reply



Are the WMI sensors failing on your domain admin servers? If "YES", the answer for us was so convoluted and doesn't seem to stick more than a few weeks, we aren't monitoring these any more. This is a Windows permissions based issue - not PRTG.

If you up the user to domain admin user (not something I'd recommend except for a test), do they work? If its was DC that it fails on, I'd guess it will work.

If its not DC, give this a try: https://www.paessler.com/tools/wmitester

might help you along a bit (I used it and it helped me)

Created on Dec 10, 2021 2:49:52 PM

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