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What is the multi-platform probe and how can I use it?



I want to use the multi-platform probe. What do I need to know?

linux nats probe prtg

Created on Nov 16, 2021 6:33:00 AM

Last change on Jul 24, 2024 8:47:00 AM by  Yasodhara Das [Paessler Support]

17 Replies

Accepted Answer



Important: The multi-platform probe is now stable!

For the multi-platform probe release notes, see the Knowledge Base: What are the release notes for the multi-platform probe?

Multi-Platform Probe for PRTG manual

See the Multi-Platform Probe for PRTG manual for the most up-to-date information.

This article applies as of PRTG 24 and multi-platform probe 3.0

The multi-platform probe for Paessler PRTG

With PRTG 21.4.73, we introduced the multi-platform probe for Paessler PRTG (hereafter referred to as the multi-platform probe) to extend the native monitoring capabilities on non-Windows platforms, for example Linux, Raspberry Pi, or NAS systems.

Multi-Platform Probe Graphic
Click to enlarge.

The multi-platform probe consists of three different components:

  1. NATS server
    • The NATS server handles the exchange of data between multi-platform probes and a PRTG core server. Paessler GmBH provides the NATS Server for Paessler PRTG Windows installer, which you can download directly from PRTG via Setup | Optional Downloads or from the Multi-Platform Probe for PRTG manual.
  2. PRTG core server
    • The PRTG core server connects to the NATS server to send monitoring instructions and receive monitoring data. Configure this connection in the PRTG web interface under Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes | Multi-Platform Probe Connection Settings.
  3. Multi-platform probe
    • The multi-platform probe is a small piece of software that is installed on a non-Windows system in your local or remote network. It scans the network and sends monitoring results to a PRTG core server via a NATS server.


The multi-platform probe is currently limited with its supported features. We plan to introduce support for other features. This will extend the available sensors on the probes by the following sensor families: Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Veeam. We are also exploring more operating systems and platforms to support. You can keep up with developments to the multi-platform probe through the PRTG roadmap.

Send us your feedback through the Multi-platform probe survey. We would love to hear about what else you would like to see on the multi-platform probe.

Created on Nov 16, 2021 6:35:16 AM

Last change on Jan 23, 2025 9:35:47 AM by  Jacqueline Conforti [Paessler Support]



Hi... This is a great improvement for PRTG...

Before we can start relying on this great new approach...

  1. What is the schedule for moving it into production ?
  2. Is NATS the choice of Messaging finalized ?
  3. Are there other options for messaging(MQTT) ?
  4. Are you going to integrate the Probe adapter into the base product ?

More to come... Thanks JR

Created on Nov 30, 2022 4:40:58 PM by  JR Andreassen (10) 2




A couple of more questions for your FAQ :

  1. When will it be possible to run custom EXE/XML sensors from MPP.
  2. Is there a way to create custom sensors for the MPP ?
  3. Is there a published interface for creating custom sensors ?
    • When will it be available ?

Thanks JR

Created on Nov 30, 2022 4:45:51 PM by  JR Andreassen (10) 2



Hi JR!

Hope you are well. At the moment, our development works on a broader feature set for the Multi-Platform-Probe. However, we have no timeline or ETA when new features or the BETA status starts.

Created on Dec 5, 2022 9:24:35 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]



I can't download the Linux Install script because there seems to be a problem with the certificate chain of your download page (https://download3.paessler.com/). --> This server's certificate chain is incomplete.
Can you please fix this.
Thank you.
Best Regards,

Created on Dec 28, 2022 3:01:35 PM




please provide the full link of the resource which cannot be downloaded.

Created on Dec 30, 2022 5:45:45 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Sorry for my late reply.
I forgot to subscribe to this KB post and didn't received an email.
It was the link https://download3.paessler.com/beta/prtgmpprobe/linux/install-mpp-nats.sh that didn't worked. In the meantime it works again. It looks like your certificate chain is now corrected.
Best Regards,

Created on Feb 8, 2023 2:00:56 PM



Hello Alain,

thank you for the reply.

Created on Feb 8, 2023 4:24:48 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hello, i use a Multi-Platform-Probe on a Debian 11. I try to add a ping-sensor but it not show in the available sensor types. It only shows the Cloud Ping v2 Sensor. What am I doing wrong?

Created on Mar 14, 2023 2:56:03 PM



Hi there,

Please try to search for Ping v2 Sensor.

Thank you!

Created on Mar 15, 2023 9:22:38 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]



Ping v2 Sensor is not available. I've look at other probes (Windows), here is the Ping v2 Sensor also not available. It seems the Ping v2 Sensor is general not avail in my system. My Version of PRTG Network Monitor is

Created on Mar 15, 2023 10:31:38 AM



Hi esauerbier,
The Ping v2 sensor is still declared as 'Beta'.
Please note that you will only see the Ping v2 sensor if you have enabled the experimental features.
You can activate the beat sensors as follows:
Setup | Monitoring | Experimental Features | Beta Sensors --> Enable
Best Regards,

Created on Mar 15, 2023 6:16:03 PM



Hi Alain,

thank you, that was the solution. Now i can add a Ping v2 Sensor on my Multi Platform Probe.

Created on Mar 16, 2023 9:10:17 AM



Are there any plans to support more sensors using the multi platform probe?, specifically SNMP and Custom EXE/XML?

Created on Apr 14, 2023 5:18:37 AM



Regarding your question about the Multi-Platform Probe for PRTG Hosted Monitor, we are currently working on supporting the Multi-Platform Probe for Linux systems in our plan. However, we do not have any specific dates for including SNMP and Custom EXE/XML sensors to the Multi-Platform Probe at the moment. We would appreciate your feedback on this matter through our survey, and we recommend keeping an eye on our PRTG roadmap for the latest updates on our upcoming plans.

Created on Apr 21, 2023 3:20:02 PM by  Ivan Escalante [Paessler Support]



Most devices have some SNMP options, this would be great if this were supported. Maybe the ScriptV2 sensor would play as a middleware or a workaround until if and when it is supported...

Created on May 10, 2023 11:34:37 PM



Thank you for your feedback, we would also appreciate your comment through our survey, and we recommend keeping an eye on our PRTG roadmap for the latest updates on our upcoming plans.

Created on May 16, 2023 5:34:42 PM by  Ivan Escalante [Paessler Support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.