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FeedPorts used by HTTP Advanced Sensor



I am running a PRTG instance that I have monitoring an IP address for ping and if a website is accessible. The IP address is on a secure VLAN so I only want to pass through what is necessary between these VLANs. I noticed the ACL is blocking traffic from the IP address of the website to the HTTP Advanced PRTG sensor on destination ports (at least in the 59000-61000 range).

The sensor itself appears to be working fine. Is there any way to force the Reponses to come back over a specific port so I can allow only that through the ACL?

http-advanced ports prtg

Created on Nov 16, 2021 6:35:08 PM

1 Reply




through the sensor, you can only provide the HTTP port (by adding it to the URL), but not set a different port to the reply of the target.

Created on Nov 22, 2021 5:38:01 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

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