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FeedThreshold Trigger more than once




i need to monitor a mailbox via IMAP and trigger notifications whenever a new mail comes in. So i added a IMAP Sensor and its working fine monitoring the amount of new mails in the inbox.

But i only get a notification once. When the value increases i dont get a notification anymore because the system triggered a notification before. I tried to use a threshold trigger whenever amount of mails in inbox is above 0. Also i changed the upper threshold for errors in the channel and set a state trigger whenever sensor is in a error state.

So what i want is a notification everytime the value increases.

Kind regards

imap notification prtg state threshold

Created on Nov 18, 2021 9:55:38 AM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



Hello Jonathan,

unfortunately when the imap sensor goes down-state, it stays in down state and triggers a notification once. Or the nearest to get is to consider only include recent emails younger than 1 hour. So the Sensor would be OK again after 1 hour if no new email for the configured filter is received. I need to be informed for every email received separately.

So how i solved it was following: 1. Set IMAP Sensor to "Count Emails" and "Save Sensor Output" as a file. 2. New EXE-Sensor / Powershell:


$sensorids=$sensorids -split ','

foreach ($sensorid in $sensorids) {
$filepath="C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\Logs\sensors\Result of Sensor $($sensorid).txt"
$filecontent=Get-Content $filepath 
$amountMailsString=$filecontent -match "Mails in mailbox: "
$amountMailsInteger=$amountMailsString -replace "[^0-9]"
Write-Output "$totalamount_Mails$outputcode"

3. Set Parameters of Exe-Sensor: "-sensorids 1234,5678" and set "Change Trigger"

Now with this workaround i have a change trigger for every prtg-sensor which has no change trigger. This solved my problem.

Created on Dec 6, 2021 3:47:36 PM

4 Replies



Perhaps instead of using a State trigger you can use a change trigger, this would notify when there is a change. If you dont see this option you can contact us directly so we can check better with some screenshots. At support@paessler.com

Created on Nov 23, 2021 12:02:20 AM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]



@Jonathan Mena

The IMAP Sensor does not have a change trigger, unfortunately.

Created on Nov 23, 2021 7:46:43 AM



If the emails usually come with the same subject you can create filters in the sensor so that a message with that subject sets the sensor as down and then create a state trigger to alert for each message that comes. You can check the filter settings in the IMAP sensor manual

Created on Nov 24, 2021 11:18:13 PM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]

Accepted Answer



Hello Jonathan,

unfortunately when the imap sensor goes down-state, it stays in down state and triggers a notification once. Or the nearest to get is to consider only include recent emails younger than 1 hour. So the Sensor would be OK again after 1 hour if no new email for the configured filter is received. I need to be informed for every email received separately.

So how i solved it was following: 1. Set IMAP Sensor to "Count Emails" and "Save Sensor Output" as a file. 2. New EXE-Sensor / Powershell:


$sensorids=$sensorids -split ','

foreach ($sensorid in $sensorids) {
$filepath="C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\Logs\sensors\Result of Sensor $($sensorid).txt"
$filecontent=Get-Content $filepath 
$amountMailsString=$filecontent -match "Mails in mailbox: "
$amountMailsInteger=$amountMailsString -replace "[^0-9]"
Write-Output "$totalamount_Mails$outputcode"

3. Set Parameters of Exe-Sensor: "-sensorids 1234,5678" and set "Change Trigger"

Now with this workaround i have a change trigger for every prtg-sensor which has no change trigger. This solved my problem.

Created on Dec 6, 2021 3:47:36 PM

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