Thank you for your message.
To limit the size of the Monitoring Database folder (which contains all sensors data), you have the possibility to reduce the data retention period by default configured to 365 days under Setup > System Administration > Core & Probes (/systemsetup.htm?tabid=4) | Historic Data Purging.
To do so, simply modify the values next to Historic sensor data and Configuration Auto-Backups (for the backup folder folder).
Regarding the latter, PRTG saves the configuration file every day and before each update. Therefore, you can reduce its retention period to a month or two depending on your needs.
Here is the manual regarding the Historic data retention settings: https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/probes_settings#purging
Finally, I invite you to have a look at this KB article as well to reduce the disk usage further: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/64628-my-probe-system-is-running-out-of-disk-space-what-can-i-do.
If you have questions, do not hesitate.
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