Hello all,
I am concerned about a proper and logical sequence of the sectors for "Warning" and "Error" states in a lookup gauge. The use case is to show the battery voltage drop out of a kind of UPS for a spcific device when it is w/o mains supply. The figures of the voltage is received via a sensor and a PS script and the channel uses the lookup feature to give meaningful texts to the user. This all works pretty fine. But the gauge sorts both the Warning sectors and the Error sectors in a kind of counter clockwise (CCW) order, so the pointer jumps from top (OK) to bottom, climbing through the Warning sectors CCW back to nearly the top, and jumps then into the Error sectors for the next counter clock wise turn.
The lookup file that I have created is like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ValueLookup id="Example_LookupRemainingTime" desiredValue="530"
<Range state="OK" from="530" to="560">Mains supply; OK</Range>
<Range state="Warning" from="490" to="529">Battery powered; remaining approx. 80 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Warning" from="480" to="489">Battery powered; remaining approx. 50 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Warning" from="470" to="479">Battery powered; remaining approx. 20 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Error" from="460" to="469">Battery powered; remaining approx. 10 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Error" from="450" to="459">Danger for Battery loss; remaining approx. 8 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Error" from="440" to="449">Danger for Battery loss; remaining approx. 5 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Error" from="430" to="439">Danger for Battery loss; remaining approx. 3 Min.</Range>
<Range state="Error" from="0" to="429">Danger of Battery loss</Range>
which I think presents the logical sequence order through the different states pretty clearly, so I am glad for any hint to bring the sectors of the gauge into the same order. Thanks a lot and greetings.
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