Thank you for your message.
We indeed noticed this issue and forwarded it to our development team for investigation. Unfortunately, there is no further information about it yet.
In the meantime, you could use the PowerShell module PRTGAPI (from third party) to automate that task by using the code below (might need to be adapted to your needs):
[string] $hostname = "", # PRTG DNS or IP
[string] $username = "", # User account
[string] $passhash = "" # User passhash
try {
Connect-PrtgServer $hostname (New-Credential $username $passhash) -PassHash -IgnoreSSL
$sensors = Get-Sensor -Tag "SensorTAG" # You might need to change/improve this line to only get the sensors you want to modify.
foreach($sens in $sensors){
$sens | Get-Channel -Id "-1" | Set-ChannelProperty -PercentMode 1 -PercentValue MAXIMUMVALUE
Please, note that the requests executed by the module can consume memory on the Core server which won't be released as the session established is not closed properly (due to the endpoint used by this module). Therefore, its usage should stay limited until the developer behind it implements the solution we provided to him.
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