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FeedAdjusting Result Handling storage log file rotation filesize / entries



Regarding the debug logs that are enabled via Result Handling / Store result, and then stored in :

C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\Logs\sensors

I notice that the files being outputted appear to be automatically rotated, such that a sensor testing every minute only has data for about 70 minutes, while one that tests every 5 minutes has just under 6 hours, with the logs clocking in at between 27KB and 45KB.

That they don't just endlessly grow is great, but when I've enabled the result storage precisely so I can see what happened when a rare error event happened, I may not be able to get on there and grab the relevant logs before they're overwritten.

Is there a way to increase how much data is stored before it gets overwritten? Either in terms of filesize, number of log entries or time period?

debug log prtg result-handling

Created on May 9, 2022 10:01:07 AM

2 Replies



Hello Keith,

I'm afraid that adjusting the Write Result files of particular sensor scans is not possible for the majority of sensors.

In the meantime, if it's important for a particular sensor only, you could think of a scheduled task to copy the results into a different folder so that they do not get overwritten.

I will forward your feedback to our Product Owners for consideration in the future. Thanks for your input!

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on May 10, 2022 6:27:45 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Thanks for the info Felix. Yep, I've now knocked up a simple scheduled script to archive those files regularly and then delete old archives once they're more than n days old. So that'll work around it.

Guessing the limit/rotation wasn't there or wasn't the same in an earlier version, as when I found the log folder I also found one old file from where we'd presumably set it to store the results (about a year ago) for a few weeks before turning that option off again, and the file had grown to about 250MB. So makes complete sense to set things so that doesn't happen without the user realising.

Created on May 11, 2022 11:04:46 AM

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