we have a problem adding an IPMI sensor Error PE127 to an Intel server.
When running the command Ipmiutil.exe health -n IPADRESS - U USER -P PASSWORD the message
ipmiutil ver 2.96 ihealth ver 2.96 BMC manufacturer = 000157 (Intel), product = 007d BMC version = 2.48, IPMI v2.0 BIOS Version = SE5C620.86B.02.01.0013.121520200651 IPMI driver type = 10 (ms) Power State = 00 (S0: working) Selftest status = 0055 (OK), last = 0055 Chassis Status = 01 00 40 70 (on, see below) chassis_power = on pwr_restore_policy = stay_off chassis_intrusion = inactive front_panel_lockout = inactive drive_fault = false cooling_fan_fault = false FP diag_button_disable = allowed, button enabled FP reset_button_disable = allowed, button enabled FP power_button_disable = allowed, button enabled PowerRestoreDelay = 0 seconds Power On Hours = 5117 hours (213 days) BMC LAN Channels = 1 2 3 Chan 1 AuthTypes = Set System Name to '', ret = 199 ipmiutil health, Request data length invalid
What can we do to make the sensor work?
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