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FeedModify map icon Name and Status (sizeable, status-related backround)



Dear Support, Please can you help me modify the above Status Icon by duplicating an .htm file that would allow me to customise the following icon: "Name and Status (sizeable, status-related backround)" Am I correct to assume the file is called: messageonly_related_background.htm ?

I would like the icon to have the following functionality:

  1. display "Total up sensors" as it does already
  2. display "total down sensors" as it does already
  3. do not display warning
  4. do not display "Down Acknowledged"
  5. do not display "paused"
  6. do not display "unusual"
  7. do not display "unknown"

I would like the icon backround to reflect either two logic states: green or red based on if there is a sensor down. If there is no sensor down, then backround green, if there is a sensor down then backround red.

Would it be possible to increase the size of the Down and Up sensors on the icon ?

Please can you tell me what files I should duplicate, what parameters I should edit to achieve the above results ? I hereby agree that any customizations you help me with does not make Paessler accountable to support me with this in the future. thank you for any help in this matter in advance. Gavin

customise icon map

Created on Oct 14, 2022 2:59:22 PM

Last change on Oct 17, 2022 6:29:42 AM by  Felix Wiesneth [Paessler Support]

3 Replies



Hello Gavin,

Thanks for contacting us.

I understand that you need assistance to modify map and icons, correct?

Here's our stand on customizations: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/78334-what-is-your-position-towards-customizing-prtg

Unfortunately, customizations goes out of our scope of support.

Kind regards,

Miguel Aikens

Created on Oct 18, 2022 8:03:50 PM by  Miguel Aikens [Paessler Technical Support]



So many other requests have had detailed support with regards to map modificatins, why do I get ignored ?

Created on Oct 28, 2022 2:22:03 PM



Hello Gavin,

Thanks for your reply.

The request is not ignored it is just that customizations are out of support scope unfortunately.

Best regards,

Miguel Aikens

Created on Oct 31, 2022 7:20:45 PM by  Miguel Aikens [Paessler Technical Support]

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