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User story
As a PRTG user, I want to be able to multi-select a range of sensors and devices in search results using CTRL + Click
Details of the user story
The ability to select a range is much faster than clicking on individual sensors 1 at a time. For example, if we have 500 sensors and need to select & pause 250 of those because they are in a specific status or have a specific monitoring result, it's inefficient to select 250 individually.
Acceptance criteria
1. Search results should have the option to select a range from the list of search results by holding the CTRL Key on the first and last result row in a desired range. 2. The range multi-select option should allow for multiple ranges before submitting a change. (Ex. select 2-5 & 9-14 & 20-40.) 3. The range multi-selection function should work to select & de-select results. For example, select 1-50 & then deselect 2-5 & 9-14 & 20-40.