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FeedWhy do I see a "Sorry, cannot show all items in this map" note on my Geo Maps?



We like the "Google Maps" based GEO maps function of PRTG to get a quick overview. But we run into some limitation about the number of locations. Below the geo map I see: "Sorry, can not show all items in this map".

  • How can I get more items on the geo map?
  • Are there any tricks to create a web page with more mapped icons?
  • Why is the map not interactive (or will there be an option to)?

geo-maps google-map prtg

Created on Sep 23, 2010 9:15:43 AM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6

Last change on Apr 16, 2019 9:57:23 AM by  Maike Guba [Paessler Support] (2,404) 2 1

10 Replies

Accepted Answer



Note: The information in this article is partly outdated. We recommend that you do not use Google Static Maps! If you use this option. Geo Maps will be shown with limited functionality. You need a Google Maps API v3 key to use Google Static Maps. Please check with Google's license terms first.

The Google Maps integration is currently based on the Static Maps API which is based on an image (served by Google's servers and configured by a URL).

We chose this implementation because:

  • it was easier to implement
  • it creates the smallest CPU load on the client browser

But this API has two limitations:

  • A maximum of 50 markers can be shown
  • The URL length must be below 2000 bytes, including any encoding

How to maximize the number of markers on Geo Maps

To work around these two limitations please

  • keep "location" strings as short as possible (for example, Paessler's former business address "Burgschmietstrasse" is unique for Google Maps and displays the same location as the complete address "Burgschmietstrasse, Nürnberg, Germany")
  • use as few unique "location" strings as possible

How to create a web page with more items shown on Geo Maps

Arrange your devices in groups based on geographical proximity (e.g. all devices in the west into one group, all devices in the east into another group). Then create a PRTG "Map" and place two Geo maps onto it, one for each group.


This is our first implementation of Google Maps in PRTG. We simply liked the idea ourselves and we are now eager to hear what our users think about it. If PRTG users like this feature and request more functionality, including interactive maps, we will of course consider upgrading the implementation to the Javascript based API which will give us interactive maps and the possibility to show more markers. So have your voice heard!

See Also

Which limitations apply when using the Google Maps API in PRTG?

Created on Sep 23, 2010 9:24:09 AM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6

Last change on May 22, 2017 2:31:35 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]



Nice addition to PRTG! I came upon this feature as I was mapping my WAN using "brute force". Too bad we cannot see more pins per map and customize the pins with more meaningful labels. Perhaps the 14x14 pixel icon would be more appropriate. Bubble text for the pins would also be nice (similar to what Bing maps provides).

Created on Oct 28, 2010 1:55:27 AM



I agree with the previous poster. I think this is a great addition and I would love to see you extend this further.

With enough added functionality, I would love to use this for status maps for our network of 40+ sites.

Created on Nov 2, 2010 5:14:31 PM



I agree as well. This addition is a primary reason I upgraded from v7. We have well over 50 sites that we monitor however and really need the marker limitation extended. As well, we need to enter the complete street address for each location so that we can have distinct visual clues on a map. I'm not sure what the byte count is but the format is generally:

123 Main St., City, ST

I hope you upgrade this implementation soon. Thanks.

Created on Nov 10, 2010 8:47:35 PM



I agree with the previous posters. This is a great feature! We have over 70 sites, it would be love to have them all displayed on the geomaps.

Created on Dec 21, 2010 9:39:42 PM



We also like this feature, too bad for the 50 MAX so plz upgrade the API. We have 300+ shops and like to monitor the health of the systems from the map, it should also be possible to set the size of a geo map tot that of your screen 1920x1080 for e.g.

So far we like V8. ;-) thnx

Created on Dec 30, 2010 3:00:58 PM



Just wanted to add my voice to this thread. Maps a great, but lot more functionality please - more sites visible and if possible linking back from a site icon into the main web UI.

Created on Jan 2, 2011 6:35:35 PM



I want also to give my opinion on this very useful feature. Interactive maps will be a very good upgrade and increasing the 50 sites limitation too. Is it possible to have a time frame of these upgrades ?

Created on Jul 28, 2011 7:35:00 AM



We have 70+ sites, so I figured there was a limitation within the Google Maps API to prevent overwhelming Google with map requests. I see that you are supposed to be able to see up to 50 sites on the map at once. I cannot see more than 25 on my maps - is there something I can do to increase the number of locations PRTG can view simultaneously? It helps immensely when finding out if there is an area outage with our rural locations.

Created on Aug 21, 2011 8:31:43 PM



I'm afraid you can only try the tips mentioned in this article.

Created on Aug 22, 2011 3:32:18 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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