Dear Support,
We want to monitor the state of some databases asking via api rest. The JSON response has a variable lenght of database dictionaries as the DDBB are being created/deleted from time to time.
I made a static custom Rest sensor that discovers 3 channels for the 3 databases currently running, but if one more database is creted next days, it wont be added to monitoring automatically (see code below)
{ "prtg": { "result": [ { "channel": $.databases[0].name, "value": lookup($.databases[0].status, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"), "ValueLookup": "rest.api.sigea.system.status" }, { "channel": $.databases[1].name, "value": lookup($.databases[1].status, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"), "ValueLookup": "rest.api.sigea.system.status" }, { "channel": $.databases[2].name, "value": lookup($.databases[2].status, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"), "ValueLookup": "rest.api.sigea.system.status" }, ], "Text": $.databases[*].message } }
Cuestion is, Is there any way to use a generic channel definition that allows to create one channel for each of the databases in the response automatically?
(PS: I read several times the manual of the Rest Custom Sensor and It's a little bit difficult to understand, so please, I kindly ask you to help me using my example if possible)