on Map Designer in section Data Table, i want to view in a list only all device with the name device name - "Router"
if i add into the tablea0.html the entry
It doesnt work
i add also columns=".........,device&filter_name=@sub(Router)"
it doesnt work too.
Have anyone a clue to solve this challange ? Thanks Best Regards
---- start ---- <div class="maptablecontainer" style="overflow:hidden"> <#lang key="html.mapobjects.tablea0.tabletitle" default="Alarms (@@@@)" var="tabletitle"> <#table tableid="sensortable" id="<@objectid>" content="sensors" columns="sensor,status,downtimesince,group,device" sortby="group" infoheader="false" links="false" sortable="false" varexpand="tabletitle" tabletitle="@tabletitle" filter_tags="@tag(pingsensor)" filter_status="5" filter_status="13" filter_status="14" > ----- stop ----