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FeedPRTG custom lookup file



Hello, I have attempted to create a custom lookup file to check the HDD status in an Infortrend system, but I received this error in a ticket after reloading the folder:

Lookup file "\lookups\custom\oid.infortrend.hddstatus.ovl" could not be loaded (XML Parser mismatch: Wanted , got )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ValueLookup id="oid.infortrend.hddstatus" desiredValue="1" undefinedState="Warning" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PaeValueLookup.xsd"> <Lookups> <SingleInt state="Ok" value="0">New drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Ok" value="1">On-Line Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Ok" value="2">Used Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Ok" value="3">Spare Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="4">Drive Initialization in Progress</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="5">Drive Rebuild in Progress</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="6">Add Drive to Logical Drive in Progress</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Ok" value="9">Global Spare Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="17">Drive is in process of Cloning another Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="18">Drive is a valid Clone of another Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="19">Drive in process of Copying from another Drive<</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Warning" value="63">Drive Absent</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Error" value="252">Missing Global Spare Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Error" value="253">Missing Spare Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Error" value="254">Missing Drive</SingleInt> <SingleInt state="Error" value="255">Failed Drive</SingleInt> </Lookups> </ValueLookup>

Could anyone help me please?

best regards,

lookup prtg snmp

Created on Apr 11, 2023 9:36:14 AM

2 Replies



I found the issue in line 14 : <SingleInt state="Warning" value="19">Drive in process of Copying from another Drive <</SingleInt> "<<" and loading the ovl file works now.

But i have another question: Is PRTG able to automatically convert OID hex values to decimal?

For example <SingleInt state="Error" value="255">Failed Drive</SingleInt> ; The value that you obtain from the OID is originally in hex "0xff", so now i'm asking if I can use value="0xff" in the Lookup file or manually convert it and use value="255".

best regards

Created on Apr 12, 2023 12:26:56 PM



Hi Niklas,

Thanks for the posts, our SNMP sensors can not read hex values, these values can also not be shown in the channels.

You might be able to read/display this value using a SNMP Custom String sensor: https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/snmp_custom_string_sensor

This sensor has the option to interpret the result as "Bytes in hexadecimal notation". The downside of this sensor is that the value is displayed in a sensor message and not in a channel.

Regards, Oscar

Created on Apr 14, 2023 10:13:49 PM by  Oscar Chavarria [Paessler Technical Support]

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