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Important changes to API v2 in PRTG 24.3.100



What do I need to be aware of regarding the new endpoints of the PRTG API v2 starting as of PRTG 24.3.100?

api apiv2 endpoints prtg

Created on Sep 2, 2024 1:59:32 PM by  David Keil [Product Owner PRTG]

Last change on Sep 4, 2024 12:48:43 PM by  Jacqueline Conforti [Paessler Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 24.x.100

Changes in PRTG API v2

For users who already use the PRTG API v2, there are a number of important updates with the release of PRTG 24.3.100. If you already use the PRTG API v2, read the following article carefully and act accordingly to prevent disruptions in your monitoring.

Deprecation of endpoints

A number of endpoints are deprecated as of PRTG 24.3.100. They are still fully functional for the time being, but we plan to remove them in a future version of PRTG. If you already use the API v2, go through the list of deprecated endpoints carefully and check if you are affected by any of the deprecated endpoints.

The list also contains a column describing which endpoints you can use as replacements. We recommend that you plan to migrate the deprecated endpoints to the replacement ones as soon as possible. Keep an eye on future release notes for the discontinuation announcement of the deprecated endpoints.

Stable endpoints for use in production

We differentiate between stable and experimental endpoints to provide clarity on their reliability and longevity.

Stable endpoints are fully supported, thoroughly tested, and guaranteed for long-term use. We continue to update the endpoints as necessary but avoid breaking changes. Stable endpoints enable our customers to benefit from existing endpoints with the assurance that they will not have breaking changes.

Experimental endpoints offer new features but may have breaking changes or be completely removed. This gives our customers a chance to anticipate what's coming and provide feedback while we still have the liberty to make changes.

Note: For more information about stable, experimental, and deprecated endpoints in the PRTG API v2 documentation, see the API v2 Overview: Maturity of endpoints.


How do I know which endpoints are stable?

Our PRTG API v2 reference guide details all endpoints of the API v2. Experimental endpoints have "experimental" in the URL path (e.g. /experimental/devices). All endpoints that are not labeled as experimental or deprecated are considered stable.

How do I know which endpoints are marked as deprecated?

We provide a list of deprecated endpoints in the API v2 Overview: Maturity of endpoints.

Why are you deprecating endpoints and replacing them?

With PRTG 24.3.100, we marked quite a few endpoints as deprecated. We selected the endpoints to deprecate based on if they met one of the following three criteria:

  1. There is a more comprehensive version of the endpoint available.
    Originally, we had a series of overview endpoints (e.g. GET /devices/{id}/overview) for monitoring objects - probes, groups, devices, sensors, etc. The overview endpoints returned information about the status, metrics, and a few basic settings of an object.

    We developed more comprehensive endpoints for monitoring objects that include all the settings of an object in addition to metrics and status information. These new endpoints follow the pattern GET /{object_type}/{id}, for example GET /devices/{id}.

    These new comprehensive endpoints completely replace the old overview endpoints. To avoid clutter and to ensure good performance, we decided to end support of the overview endpoints after a transition period. The old list endpoints (e.g. /devices) have also been deprecated and will be replaced with new ones (e.g. /experimental/devices) to ensure consistency.
  2. The endpoint had breaking changes.
    As of PRTG 24.3.100, we fully implemented the concept of endpoint maturity. From now on, any endpoints that do not have "experimental" in the URL path are considered stable. Previously, we did not label some endpoints as "experimental" in the URI path that we were aware might require breaking adjustments. After looking at the available endpoints, we decided that some endpoints required a complete overhaul to be more consistent with the other endpoints and to have a significant improvement in use. Therefore, it made more sense to deprecate these endpoints and start again with new experimental endpoints. Deprecated endpoints that fall into this category include all of the endpoints for cloning - GET /devices/{id}/clone - and the existing user's endpoints.

    These endpoints are likely to reappear with a similar form in future versions. These endpoints are marked in the will be replaced with column as "replace" in the linked table.
  3. The endpoint was not functional.
    Finally, we deprecated endpoints that were never truly functional or that did not add substantial value. If the column will be replaced with is empty in the linked table, this means that we don't plan to replace these endpoints in their current form.


Created on Sep 4, 2024 12:41:36 PM by  Jacqueline Conforti [Paessler Support]

Last change on Oct 7, 2024 8:39:31 AM by  Jacqueline Conforti [Paessler Support]

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