Is there a report for total bandwidth, that can be sorted from highest to lowest ? Is it even possible to make a custom report to show this?
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I have seen that.. I was the one who asked that question. with that response your telling me that i have to run that report then comb through 1200+ devices just to find who the top 10 bandwidth devices. It just doesn't seem practical. for software that supposed to help monitoring a network, I just don't see why there is not a report that you can run that will show you the top bandwidth devices. after all you give us a sensor for bandwidth traffic and you allow us to run a report that shows the average, but who cares about that? It's more important to know the total data usage on a network because those devices could be hurting your network and not allowing everything else work at their potential. sorry about the the rant... I just don't understand.
The situation is still the same. A volume makes not as much sense, because usually network connections are specified by their speed, so an average speed value should give a good impression how saturated a 100mbit line for example was in the reported period. And then again, the sensor with the highest speed average in a report period should also have the highest volume.
well, I just ran the hi lo 60 min report with 20 devices to make the sorting easier for this test. Now the highest average device shows 7mb of average throughput. Then I ran the list of sensors report with no graphs to show the total volume that those 20 devices saw. now that device that showed 7mb of average throughput only had 10gb. now another device that only had 5mb of average throughput shows that it had a total of 20gb of total volume. that device that had the lower average throughput is actually taxing the network more as a whole.
So is there a way to do what Josh was talking about? Is it something that Paessler can start working on now that there is a demand for it cause its so crucial to understand the actual volume and not the average.
A volume is never averaged. Each report showing a volume, shows the total _real_ (or RAW Values) volume in the period of the report.
0 "Top 100 Most/Least Used Bandwidth Sensors"
I like how this shows up in from highest to lowest, but I do not want the average, I want the raw total volume from Highest to lowest that is not avarage.
This one shows the average and the total.
I want the total from this graphs but displayed from highest to lowest like the graph above with no averages.. can this be done?
Again, speed is averaged, volumes are not (in the reports that show volumes). That's the way it is in those Top-Reports. Sorry. Changes to this are not planned for the near future.
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