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FeedHow can I hide the "2 Days", "30 Days" and "365 Days" graphs on the group pages?



Is there a way to remove these views from the Group Root view?

css customization graphs prtg

Created on Dec 29, 2011 8:18:49 PM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6

17 Replies

Accepted Answer



Important note: The current customization approach is unsupported and deprecated as of versions 17.3.34/17.4.35. This customization no longer works. For more details, see How can I re-brand and customize the PRTG web interface using CSS and Javascript?

PRTG Version 15.2.14 through 17.3.33

Please find the file


in the


folder, open it in a text editor, paste the following code into it, and save the file:

#group-overview .panel.fix-panel{
      display: none;

Note: This will also hide Geo Maps. You can manually disable Geo Maps under System Administration—User Interface in the PRTG web interface.

PRTG Version 13.2.3.x and later (tested with 14.x.11)

Please find the file


in the


folder, open it in a text editor, paste the following code into it, and save the file:

div#objecttreecontainer ~ .ui-layout-east {width:0!important;}

Now perform a full reload (Shift-F5) in your browser.

This will remove the graphs on the group and probe level and you will have more space for the device tree.

PRTG Version 13.2.2.x and before

Please find the file

customerscripts.js in the


folder, open it in a text editor, paste the following code into it, and save the file:

	$('#tab-1[loadurl*="groupoverview"] td.col2').remove();

Now perform a full reload (Shift-F5) in your browser.

This will remove the graphs on the group and probe level and you will have more space for the device tree.

Created on Dec 29, 2011 8:21:35 PM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6

Last change on Mar 22, 2018 12:22:07 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]




Someone can update the solution for version ? Because is doesn't work anymore after update.

Thank you.

Created on Apr 24, 2014 2:57:40 PM



The code mentioned above is still working with 13/14 versions of PRTG (just tested latest Canary V14.x.11.x)

Created on Apr 25, 2014 1:08:52 PM by  Dirk Paessler [Founder Paessler AG] (11,025) 3 6



I was not using the default styles_custom.css. So i get back the original file and add the modification and it works.

Do you think it's also possible to modify css to use the bottom of the page ? See my picture : http://s28.postimg.org/89hhc92wt/20140507_103411.jpg

I would like to use the free space in the red square.

Thank you.

Created on May 7, 2014 8:51:01 AM



We will change this is one of our next releases

Created on May 9, 2014 9:27:03 AM by  Stefan Messner [Paessler Support]




Any update for this change ?


Created on Jul 9, 2014 2:28:37 PM



@benoitpatin: No, we are still working on this. Sorry.

Created on Jul 10, 2014 7:38:03 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



We changed the layout so you have to use the following CSS rule in your style_custom.css

#group-overview .panel.fix-panel{ display: none; }

Created on Jun 29, 2015 9:11:38 AM by  Stefan Messner [Paessler Support]



Hello Paessler Team,

unfortunately this does not work for me on version any hints?

Best Regards

Created on Mar 10, 2017 8:38:00 AM



Dear Michele,

I just tested it with the code mentioned by Stefan's post:

#group-overview .panel.fix-panel{
  display: none;

and it's still working. Did you clear your browser cache after changing the .css file?

Best regards, Felix

Created on Mar 10, 2017 11:32:15 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



strange thing, since nothing change here

....[cut] .map_iconcolornew_hasack, .map_iconcolornew_senso { background: url(/mapicons/iconset7/Custom_red.png) no-repeat; background-size:contain; }

  1. group-overview .panel.fix-panel{ display: none; }

so I just added this part to the file at the end. firefox/IE both with cache clear and restart

Created on Mar 10, 2017 1:15:55 PM



Hi Michele,

The styles_custom.css is not loaded if there is any syntactical error. Please rename this file and create a new file with the same name. Just copy and paste the syntax of my previous answer and see if the graphs are removed. If this works, you can start to add the other changes to the .css-file one after another to see which settings prevent the changes.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Mar 13, 2017 8:45:25 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Hello Felix,

maybe this was my fault. in Group Views, I dont see this anymore. So it seems to work yeah

is it also possible to remove it in Device View?

Created on Mar 13, 2017 12:34:10 PM



Hi Michele,

Can you please copy and paste the URL to the page where you want to hide the field?

Cheers, Felix

Created on Mar 13, 2017 1:20:56 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



for example this one: https://prtg/device.htm?id=44947&tabid=1

this is a device Point of view instead of a Group Point of view.

thanks already for the support

Created on Mar 13, 2017 7:08:23 PM



Hi Michele,

Please try this one:

#overview-device .panel.col-panel.responsiveobjectoverview_panelB{
  display: none;

Best regards, Felix

Created on Mar 14, 2017 7:06:36 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Great thanks this is working like a charm!

Created on Mar 14, 2017 8:33:31 AM

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