I am interested in creating capacity planning reports for items such as disk space. Is there a plan to add trend lines to reports to use for forecasting? At the moment all I can think to do is export to Excel and perform the analysis there.
18 Replies
Dear Ismael,
I'm afraid currently there are no such plans to implement trend lines for near future releases.
Best Regards.
Trend lines for graphs would be a nice feature even if they can't predict the future.
Is it possible to creating a graph map object with filter_type="wmidiskspace"?
Although four years late, I would also like to have this function. My customer is asking for this information and exporting 300 odd disks is not fun. Do we now have this option?
We do have this on the wish list still. The requests have not been "enough" to give trending lines a high priority so far I'm afraid. But please consider your vote counted, we'll keep it on the list of course.
There's a tool called PRTGPluginsGUI in the developement to enable trending in PRTG.
Have a look at this at:
Apply for the testing program to see if it would solve your problem...
Best Regards, Olli Jokinen
I rather don't start testing the trend tool but I would be really interested to use trend lines on our sensors.
So here is another request for adding the trend function to the paessler software!
Koen Terwijn ALL IT Rooms Datacenter Engineer
The prtgplugins.com website looks outdated, anyone still using one of it's products and receiving support? And/or has trending been upvoted so it is on the roadmap now for PRTG before, lets say, summer/Q3 2016? Thanks in advance!
I support the wishlist request for trending !
+1 for me too. We really can use this for monitoring out NetApp volumes.
While it is still on the PRTG wishlist, you might want to have a look at the PredictValue sensor.
The sensor predicts the future value of an existing sensor, based on the values from the last 60 (default) days.
+1 for this functionality (since I can't thumbs up)
You do not really want to just show a trend line, you want to have it as a sensor / channel data, and report and alarm on it.
I would still consider this beta, but i have been using it for a year. I have made a function that predicts when a value of a sensor/channel will reach a given value.
The most useful case is free disk space on a SAN. now you can graph and report (days left until full) and alarm based on it.
I do not have this documented very well, but have a look here, look out for the function Get-prtgSensorChannelPrediction
For a given Sensor / Channel Name, you can predict when that sensor will get to a certain value ($Limit), buy sampling the last value, and the value at (Today – $AgeOfFirstSampleInDays) you can predict when it will reach its $Limit.
Returns the number of days till the limit is reached.
Created on Oct 21, 2016 12:33:32 AM
Last change on Oct 21, 2016 7:17:41 AM by
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]
+1 for this functionality (since I also can't thumbs up)
+1 it would really be a great addition.
+1 for trending
Both in reports as in Graphs (with the option to set thresholds, notifications, etc. on actual & predicted values: if threshold predicted to be reached in x period, then notification). Also it would be nice to choose between trendlines. Those trendlines could be calculated as: - avg value last x datapoints - avg value of x% of current graph time line (x being variable, and/or multiple settings and thus multiple trendlines) Choice of trendline to show could be: - slider per channel (only one trendline per sensor can be shown) - fixed settings (checkboxes) per channel (multiple checkboxes checked=multiple trendlines shown in graph)
Hi All,
Appreciate that this isn't quite the same as trends on reports but, it looks like PRTG have an open feature request for predicting when a sensor such as disk space, will reach capacity.
For me, this would suffice in place of a trend line and enable us to have predictions on when we will hit capacity and we can therefore plan in work for additional disk space etc. BEFORE we get to a critical point.
If this would be useful to you, please upvote it at this page https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/83982-sensor-prediction and hopefully Paessler will implement it soon!
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