If someone needs a Powershell variant to use with an EXE/Script Advanced sensor:
Query an HTTP Endpoint to Measure the Response Time and the HTTP Status Code
This script is able to query an HTTP/HTTPS Endpoint and measure the response time as well as the HTTP Status Code. The script is designed to be used with PRTG Network Monitor (https://www.paessler.com/prtg).
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) you want to query, including the protocol (and path).: https://example.org or http://example.com:8080/myfile.htm
The number of seconds to wait for the HTTP query to complete (Default: 30)
.PARAMETER TrustAllCerts
Use this option to ignore any SSL Certificate issues and use all possible protocol versions
Running the script interactively to test it:
PS> .\Get-HTTPStatusCode.ps1 -Url "https://example.org/" -Timeout 10
For running the script in PRTG, you can use PRTG's placeholders to make the setup more robust:
Parameters(in the Sensor's settings): -Url "https://%host/" -Timeout 10
However, it's also possible to enter the full URL in the sensor as expected:
Parameters(in the Sensor's settings): -Url "https://example.org/" -Timeout 10
If you're monitoring an endpoint with an invalid certificate (expired, self-signed, etc) you can enable the TrustAllCerts switch, like this:
PS> .\Get-HTTPStatusCode.ps1 -Url "https://invalidsslserver.example.org/" -Timeout 10 -TrustAllCerts
Version: 2.5.20230920
Author: Luciano Lingnau, Paessler AG (https://www.paessler.com/)
#Requires -Version 3.0
[int]$Timeout = "30",
[switch]$TrustAllCerts = $false
[string]$sensorMessage = ''
$errorFlag = $false
$results = @()
#Avoid issues with weird SSL Certificates (Self-signed, expired, etc)
#Should only be used when a trusted certificate is not an option
if ($TrustAllCerts){
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
return true;
#Define Accepted SSL/TLS Versions, if unset this will be differentl depending on the OS and PS Version
$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12,Tls13'
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
try {
#Stopwatch used to time the lenghtiest part of the execution (long execution times could be an issue)
$exectime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$a = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -TimeoutSec $Timeout -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Stop Stopwatch used to time the lenghtiest part of the execution
#Parse the results in a PRTG Friendly way
if ($a.StatusCode){
$results += @{
Channel = 'Status Code'
Value = $a.StatusCode
valuelookup = 'prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscode'
$results += @{
Channel = 'Length'
Value = $a.RawContentLength
Unit = 'BytesFile'
$results += @{
Channel = 'Execution Time'
Value = $exectime.ElapsedMilliseconds
Unit = 'TimeResponse'
$sensorMessage = "$($url)"
} catch {
#If there is a valid statuscode in the response (like 3XX) we want that to be a sensor result, so this has to be handled in the try/catch
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ -gt 0){
#Parse the results in a PRTG Friendly way
$results += @{
Channel = 'Status Code'
Value = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__
valuelookup = 'prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscode'
$results += @{
Channel = 'Length'
Value = '-1'
$results += @{
Channel = 'Execution Time'
Value = $exectime.ElapsedMilliseconds
Unit = 'TimeResponse'
$sensorMessage = "$($url)"
#Otherwise it's an exception that doesn't have a valid result
$errorFlag = $true
$sensorMessage = "Exception (Line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)): $($_.Exception.Message)"
$sensorResult = '' | Select-Object prtg
if ($errorFlag) {
$sensorResult.prtg = '' | Select-Object error
$sensorResult.prtg.error = 1
} else {
$sensorResult.prtg = '' | Select-Object result
$sensorResult.prtg.result = $results
if ($sensorMessage) {
$sensorResult.prtg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'text' -Value $null
$sensorResult.prtg.text = $sensorMessage
$sensorResult | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Write-Output
In order to pass the url from the sensor's settings, enter it like this in the "Parameters" field:
-Url "https://example.org/" -Timeout 10
Using %host in the parameters as a placeholder like this will also work:
-Url "https://%host/" -Timeout 10
And if you're encountering issues with SSL (Such as the error "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."), try adding TrustAllCerts to the parameters:
-Url "https://%host/" -Timeout 10 -TrustAllCerts
The channel displaying the return code uses an already existing lookup (prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscode) to evaluate which codes are regarded as OK/Warning/Error.
Feel free to create a custom lookup based on the existing one if you need.
On a side-note: There's also another lookup called "prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscodedetailed" which contains definitions for every single return code, instead of ranges as in "prtg.standardlookups.http.statuscode".
- 20/09/2023 - Version 2.5 adds the missing documentation for the TrustAllCerts parameter. Also adds support for TLS1.3 when TrustAllCerts is used.
- 04/07/2022 - Version 2.4 changes the unit for the "Length" channel to Bytes so that the value can also be displayed in a more user-friendly format in PRTG. This only applies to newly created sensors and existing sensors may keep working but will still just display a number (without unit) as value.
- 04/07/2022 - Version 2.3 makes the -TrustAllCerts also accept any Security Protocol, previously the script would behaved differently depending on different OS's and Powershell versions. Thanks to user Mihai for reporting this.
- 17/03/2022 - Version 2.2 completely changes the code to a more modular approach which is easier to maintain. Functionally almost identical to 1.0
- 09/03/2022 - Version 1.0 includes some bigger changes and is not backwards compatible (the parameters changed slightly). What's new: Invalid certificates are now only accepted when the switch-parameter TrustAllCerts is set. Otherwise you will see an SSL Error. Also fixed a small issue with the units from the ExecTime channel. Added better documentation and examples in the code itself
- 01/09/2021 - Switched from Write-Host to Write-Output to conform with new "PowerShell Security Enhancement" (As of PRTG 21.2.68).
- 25/06/2018 - Modified the try/catch to properly read the status code when it is part of an exception. When this happens, the Length is reported as -1.
- 10/04/2018 - Added code to ignore SSL Certificate errors.
- 28/07/2017 - Included a parameter for timeout. Default = 10 (seconds).
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