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FeedWhy does not custom sensors with CPU and traffic load count in the index graphs?



I am collecting CPU and LAN usage from several Windows systems using EXE/Script Advanced sensor. This sensor calls a custom bat file that outputs CPU Load, Disk activity, LAN use, RAM used, etc (all in one sensor, using different channels for each data point).

All the channels are working as they should, and graphs are being created without any problems. There are no problems with the outputted XML.

But the channels for CPU usage and net traffic are not counted in the index graph at all. I've followed the API manual, and used the CPU <unit> tag. Everything is working beautifully, except for the index graph that shows no activity at all. I am also unsure what <unit> I should select for net traffix (it's not specified in the API manual, and I want to use bytes/sec as this gives values that we are more accustomed to reading).

---------The outputted XML for CPU looks like this:--------

    ^<Channel^>CPU Load^</Channel^>

    ^<Channel^>Net Rx^</Channel^>

    ^<Channel^>Net Tx^</Channel^>

    ^<Channel^>Net Total</Channel^>

----------FYI, in the sensor details table it would look like this:--------

CPU Load	2	33,5 %	 	0,0 %	100,0 %	
Net Rx	12	153,17 MByte	2 610,18 KByte/s	0,68 KByte/s	81 027,68 KByte/s	
Net Total	14	160,48 MByte	2 734,77 KByte/s	1,15 KByte/s	145 770,91 KByte/s	
LAN Tx	13	7,31 MByte	124,59 KByte/s	0,46 KByte/s	98 249,38 KByte/s	

batch cpu-index cpu-load custom-exe network traffic-index windows wmi

Created on Dec 12, 2014 11:10:02 AM

Last change on Dec 15, 2014 8:17:09 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

3 Replies




Thank you very much for your KB-Post. Sorry, the CPU & Traffic Index-Graphs on devices rely on a certain default set of native sensors. This is hard coded, and it's not possible to include other sensor types into the calculations of the index graphs.

best regards.

Created on Dec 16, 2014 10:28:05 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Ok, my next question is if there's any way to easily disable the index graphs so they arent displayed? (There's no point in having them take up screen space on my system if they aren't displaying anything useful anymore.)

Created on Dec 16, 2014 10:31:30 AM



Created on Dec 16, 2014 10:44:42 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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