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No such object (SNMP error # 222) error while using "Basic Linux Library (UCD-SNMP-MIB)"



I set up SNMP in my linux device (Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS). Tested the configuration using Paessler SNMP tester (https://www.de.paessler.com/tools/snmptester) from the Windows 2012 server where PRTG(version x64) is installed - it is successful.

I tried to create 'SNMP Library' sensor using 'Paessler common OID library' for the LINUX device - and it works successfully.

However, while I try to use 'SNMP Library' sensor and then select 'Basic Linux Library' so as to monitor a process as described in https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/29403-monitoring-processes-in-linux, I receive error "No such object (SNMP error # 222)".

When I switch to SNMP v1 and try to configure the same sensor, I receive error "No such name (SNMP error # 2)"

Could yo please let me know the cause of this error? Is it the wrong OID? Need help. Thanks

process-monitoring prtg15 snmp-library

Created on Jul 20, 2015 11:14:49 AM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Managed to solve the issue. Basically, the read-only and read-write community entries were missing from the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file in the LINUX server that needs to be monitored.

Added the below entries to the file and restarted the snmpd service in the LINUX system.

rouser  abcd  
rwuser  abcd  
rocommunity  abcd  
rwcommunity  abcd  
syscontact  somnath
syslocation  spain

Thereafter, changed the community string for the LINUX device in PRTG to 'abcd' as configured above. After which PRTG was able to read the OIDs and I was able to add 'SNMP Library' sensor using "Basic Linux Library (UCD-SNMP-MIB).oidlib"

Thanks. Somnath

Created on Jul 20, 2015 4:51:46 PM

Last change on Jul 21, 2015 5:46:00 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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