Hi, I'm trying to get a report on SNMP Traffic sensors. I understand that to build the report (average traffic, max traffic, etc) PRTG takes the values of the "primary channel" (Traffic In, for example). Now, is there a way to get both in traffic and out traffic in the same report? I mean, to get the statistics on both channels? I know if I change the "main channel" (pin another one as main) I can get the informatin by executing the report twice. But is there a way to avoid having to change the channels and making two separate reports? Thanks in advance.
Traffic Reports, same sensor different channel
3 Replies
Note from Paessler support: Modifying the included report templates is not covered by our support.
You can create a custom report with all channels using the table (averagetable).
C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\webroot\reporttemplates
A61 Data Table - Table 5m - Custom - Percentil 95.htm
<!--Data Table Only: Data Table (5 min interval) – Custom Percentil 95 --> <!--5--> <#include file="includes\reportheader.htm"> <img src="/images/reportheader.png"> <br/> <h1><b><#objectproperty name="name"></b> (<#report type="startdate"> - <#report type="enddate"> <#report type="reporthours">)</h1> <#report type="list" name="details\Table Custom Data Percentil 95.htm" subname="details\Detail Loop.htm" graphaverage="300" tableaverage="300"> <#cropmsg>
C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\webroot\reporttemplates\details
Table Custom Data Percentil 95.htm
<div class="onereport report<@counter>"> <#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="Parenttags" show="text"> | <#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="ParentDevice" show="text"> | <#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="tags"> | <#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="name"> | <#objectstatus name="status" id="<@objectid>"> <#report type="averagetable" repnodeid="<@subid>" repsensid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>"> </div>
If the Paessler provide the table HTML code (averagetable) can facilitate the creation of other formats of reports .
For more information:
PRTG Manual: Reports
How do I modify PRTG's report templates?
Created on Dec 7, 2015 5:42:04 PM
Last change on Dec 8, 2015 8:47:57 AM by
Felix Saure [Paessler Support]
Thank you very much, that's what I was looking to get from the report! I only need to remove some of the information there that's not required (like tags of the sensors). Have a nice day!
Adrian E. Vergara
For more information: PRTG Manual: Reports
How do I modify PRTG's report templates?
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