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FeedPRTG for Android login problem



Hello Support,

I have a problem with login to our PRTG server from Android phone. Android phone OS is version 4.2.2 ( Jelly Bean ). PRTG for Android is version 16.1.2, dated 18JAN2016, with size of 6.72MB ( as per Google Play ) PRTG Network Monitor server is running version, installed on Windows 2012R2 VM.

Even before the last update I am not able to log on to our PRTG server from mentioned Android phone. Was hoping that the next update will fix / change something, but no luck. All settings / configurations are correct. To be noted that prior last 2 updates of PRTG Network Monitor server connecting from the same Android phone worked fine. We also tested with iPhone device, running on IOS 8.3, and it is working OK.

All parameters are entered correctly into the "New Account" menu, and after clicking "Save" we receive the following error message: "Error I could not retrieve the passhash. Perhaps your password is wrong?"

The username + password entered are 100% correct. In the PRTG Network Monitor server interface for the login user name the passhash is visible ( after clicking "Show passhash" option ).

The passhash functionality was introduced not so long ago, and I thing that about that time the login problems started.

Kindly advise with some suggestions / further steps. Thanks.

android login passhash prtg

Created on Feb 8, 2016 2:45:59 PM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



Hello, thank you for your post.

If you're using the Android App, please perform the following to remove all accounts and then re-add your account.

  1. Within the App, head to "Settings".
  2. Click-and-hold existing accounts to be able to delete/remove them, remove all existing accounts.
  3. Select "Add Account" enter your server's name, protocol and port, and your Username/Password for the web-interface.

If that fails, please make sure that your server is reachable (try reaching it via the browser on your phone for example).

Best Regards,

Created on Mar 31, 2016 4:35:50 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

19 Replies



Are you using your actual passhash as password in the android app? You'll have to use the original password instead :)

Created on Feb 9, 2016 10:26:48 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Hello Stephan Linke,

Thanks for your reply. I am using the original password.

As far I understood the passhash is used when doing things over API methods, not to send the original password in cleartext or similar.

Created on Feb 9, 2016 12:46:14 PM



Can't recreate this problem. Can you try using our demo PRTG server? Server is demo.prtg.com, username is demo, password is demodemo - does that work?

Created on Feb 9, 2016 1:25:42 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



I can confirm we are having similar issue on a new Samsung Note 5 5.1.1 with 16.1.2 PRTG for Android. Our PRTG version is v15.2.17.2804.

Created on Feb 11, 2016 8:22:05 PM



As mentioned before, can you try to login to our demo server? If so, you mgiht want to update your PRTG - yours is about 7-8 months old.

Created on Feb 12, 2016 7:30:52 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]




I can log on to the test server. Somewhere on the knowledge base I read that strange characters in password might be the cause for this, so I even tried with "dumb" password, but no luck. I am not so happy to do a mobile phone factory reset :-) , in order to troubleshoot things further. Will try to find / download some Android like "total app remover", because I am not sure now what causes this. No apps were installed on that phone for some time. If you, or the other readers have some suggestions, I will be happy to hear them. Thanks.

Created on Feb 12, 2016 8:10:24 AM



Have you tried a different user already? Since we can't reproduce the problem, this will probably be a tough one to debug... :/

Created on Feb 12, 2016 12:54:44 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]




Yes, when the problem started, I switched from the original user to freshly created one ( just for this purpose ). I know this is "per device" problem, and should be working out of the box, since connection to the demo server works. Anyway, we didn't change nothing in our environment ( FW rules, port forwarding etc. ), so it probably must be somehow connected with the phone itself. I will maybe try to download an older copy of PRTG for Android "*.apk", and try with that one. The last resort is to factory reset the phone ( and hope for the best ).

Thanks for your effort. Since we exhausted all possible advices / tips, you can mark this request as closed. If I ever find a solution, I will get back to you with the steps / results, for public benefit.

Brgds, Dag

Created on Feb 12, 2016 1:04:02 PM



I have the same problem. Can't log into the test server or the actual server that monitors our network. "Error I could not retrieve the passhash. Perhaps you rpassword is wrong?" I simply selected the "Try our demo server" option. Wasn't asked for a user or password. :-(

Can't scan the QR code for logon either. It doesn't scan the code, or at least there's no response when the QR code is in the camera windows from PRTG for Android. Other scanning apps work fine.

PRTG for Android: v 16.1.3 Android: 4.4.2

Created on Mar 30, 2016 10:35:41 AM

Accepted Answer



Hello, thank you for your post.

If you're using the Android App, please perform the following to remove all accounts and then re-add your account.

  1. Within the App, head to "Settings".
  2. Click-and-hold existing accounts to be able to delete/remove them, remove all existing accounts.
  3. Select "Add Account" enter your server's name, protocol and port, and your Username/Password for the web-interface.

If that fails, please make sure that your server is reachable (try reaching it via the browser on your phone for example).

Best Regards,

Created on Mar 31, 2016 4:35:50 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



I am having the same issue with a new Samsung S running Marshmallow 6.1 I am unable to setup first user in the app. I am receiving the same error as shown above.

Created on Jun 16, 2016 4:15:58 PM



Hello scater,

Did you try the steps right above your post?

If you've tried that and are still not able to access PRTG with the Mobile App, I must ask that you contact us via a support ticket and provide us an account and URL for testing.

Best Regards,
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler Support]

Created on Jun 17, 2016 8:03:55 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



I am having the same passhash error message.

The message is "Error I could not retrieve the passhash. Perhaps your password is wrong?"

I am using PRTG VER:
Samsung Galaxy s7 edge version: 6.0.1
Samsung Note 3 version:5.0

Both phone have same error massage.

I have tried:

  1. Create new user
  2. Reinstall the android app PRTG
  3. Factory default my phone

Still getting same result.

How can i resolve this?

Thank you Jeffrey Ong

Created on Dec 11, 2016 6:30:09 PM

Last change on Dec 12, 2016 5:57:27 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Hello jeffrey,

Did you try the steps above?

If you've tried that and are still not able to access PRTG with the Mobile App, I must ask that you contact us via a support ticket and provide us an account and URL for testing.

Best Regards,
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler Support]

Created on Dec 12, 2016 7:02:21 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Use ip instead of hostname.i was having the same problem.

Created on Jul 15, 2017 9:03:19 AM



Hello canivari,
hello all,

everyone who encounter issues such as "Error I could not retrieve the passhash. Perhaps your password is wrong?", using Android 7.0 and above, please check this article.

In most cases this error message is been caused due to a missing D-H key on the PRTG Core Server. The linked article describes how to solve it.

Best regards,

Created on Jul 17, 2017 5:39:15 AM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]



"Hello, thank you for your post.

If you're using the Android App, please perform the following to remove all accounts and then re-add your account.

Within the App, head to "Settings". Click-and-hold existing accounts to be able to delete/remove them, remove all existing accounts. Select "Add Account" enter your server's name, protocol and port, and your Username/Password for the web-interface. If that fails, please make sure that your server is reachable (try reaching it via the browser on your phone for example).

Best Regards,"

Good morning ! In my case it fails so I had look on my phone browser to make sure that my server was reachable. That's the problem, my server is'nt reachable outside my network. How can I fix it. The adress of my prtg server is private , but I want to keep it like that. Could I use another one for checking my equipement analyse when I'm out of my network ? Thank you !

Created on Jun 6, 2018 2:20:00 PM



Hello divala,

Thank you very much for your reply.

To make the PRTG Core Server publicly available, you have to do some configuring within your own network and your firewalls. The configuration of firewalls differ from vendor to vendor, that's the main reason why we are not able to explain it step by step. Basically, the requirements are:

  • create a NAT rule from a public IP address to the internal IP address of the PRTG address (basically port-forwarding)
  • open port 80 for HTTP or (preferably) 443 for HTTPS

Best regards,

Created on Jun 6, 2018 6:58:21 PM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jun 6, 2018 6:58:28 PM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]



Hello, I have been encountering this problem for some time on my server and just realised why.

From the WAN, my server is accessible via prtg.example.com however locally I append something to every device on the network and add DNS entries when IP's are given out, resulting in the server bring called prtg.eg.example.com.

PRTG must have performed a reverse lookup on it's IP at some point during setup or since, and update it's DNS name to prtg.eg.example.com. I realised this when I went to add the server to the app using the QR code, and it was trying to resolve prtg.eg.example.com instead of prtg.example.com

Once I updated the DNS name to my desired / the correct FQDN prtg.example.com "System Administration \ User Interface" it worked immediately locally and remotely.



Created on Feb 7, 2022 6:03:45 PM

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