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FeedEnvironment Monitoring with PRTG



Has anyone ever integrated this system with PRTG:

I need to monitor the temperature inside some of our locations and this looks to be the best possible solution.

If anyone has experience working with this product, or has a recommendation for another temperature monitoring product that integrates with PRTG, the input would be helpful.

environment environmental nti prtg temperature

Created on Jul 17, 2010 4:01:32 AM

Last change on Jul 19, 2010 8:30:01 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

9 Replies

Accepted Answer




there are a lot of environmental monitoring possibilities out there. Here are some that we already tested ourselves:

In general, they all work the same way together with PRTG—through SNMP.

The vendors offer MIBs for their devices that can be imported into PRTG using our MIB Importer.

You would then add the device to PRTG and create SNMP Library sensors using the library your created from the MIB.

See Also

Created on Jul 18, 2010 7:48:19 AM by  Aurelio Lombardi [Paessler Support]

Last change on Nov 9, 2018 9:21:29 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



I tested the import of this MIB with the MIB import tool and it brought them all in.


Created on Aug 11, 2010 3:48:09 PM



I have been using products from IT Watchdogs for about 6 years and have been pretty happy with them. I haven't had any trouble with any of my IT Watchdogs sensors or environmental monitoring systems (Watchdog 100 and SuperGoose I) for as long as I can remember. I haven't got any experience with their new THD and T3HD sensors but their older temperature and temperature/humidity sensors have always worked very well for me.

I've never had any trouble getting any version of PRTG to pull the data via SNMP from either of my IT Watchdogs devices.

Jason Proos

Created on Jun 4, 2014 11:54:39 PM



We used APC and HW group Poseidon products in the past as temperature monitors.

But recently we moved to cheaper HWg-STE online temperature sensors. We are using it with PRTG version 14.4.12 and it works fine..

It seems to be supported without MIB importer. But we have installed even other IP sensors for power consuption from electricity meters and water leak detectors (HWg-WLD). for these we had to import their MIBs.

Alex Schmid

Created on Apr 30, 2015 10:35:08 AM



I am installing AKCP For our customers , and setting is the same with other snmp devices.

Created on Sep 24, 2016 10:05:33 PM



Hallo Alex Schmid, Wir haben uns auch den HWg-STE angeschafft , aber die Temperatur wird nicht im Grafen angezeigt , sonder im Status. Wo liegt der Fehler ??

Frank Möller

Created on Nov 8, 2018 11:01:16 AM



Frank, Um einen besseren Überblick zu bekommen was genau los ist, würde ich Sie bitten, einige Screenshots vom betroffenen Sensor zu schicken, konkret

- vom Overview-Tab (mit den Kanal-Tachos) - vom Logs-Tab ("Protokoll") - Vom Settings-Tab ("Einstellungen"), bitte auf mehrere Screenshots aufteilen wenn nicht alle Settings auf ein Bild passen.

Bitte schicken Sie die Screenshots als Datei-Anhang per Mail an support@paessler.com mit Hinweis auf diesen KB-Thread. Bitte erfassen Sie immer das gesamte PRTG-Interface in den Screenshots. Vielen Dank!

Created on Nov 12, 2018 11:49:28 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Here is simple and cheap IP thermometer which works with PRTG. https://www.ebay.com/itm/163001523622 http://ipthermometer.eu/

Created on Nov 16, 2019 7:28:39 PM



Avtech RoomAlert is a great product with easy integration in to PRTG.... https://avtech.com/

Created on Nov 20, 2021 9:36:52 AM

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