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Feedrequired userright to mark a device or sensor as "favorite"



Hi PRTG support team,

we create several AD-DS groups and linked them without admin privileges to PRTG. Users are able to see all shared devices and sensors, but cannot mark obejcts as favorite. What privileges are reqired to mark favorites? - We don't want, that a user is able to change sensor properties or create new sensors.

Thanks a lot Peter

favorites prtg user-rights

Created on Sep 6, 2016 9:38:13 AM

4 Replies



Hi Peter,

For setting a sensor as favorite, the user must be configured as Read/Write user and his/her user group needs to have access level Write on the regarding object. Flagging a sensor as favorite is basically also a sensor setting and access rights cannot be fine-tuned further to allow changing only specific properties.

Kind regards.

Created on Sep 7, 2016 9:18:49 AM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]



Dear Erhard,

thanks for your reply.


Created on Sep 7, 2016 3:04:49 PM



Any chance this has been updated in 4 years since this question was asked? I have many read only users that would like to favorite a few devices. This would be a great feature that could be rolled into a user profile rather than the device/sensor permissions itself? Is there a feature request location I could ask for this to be considered if not currently possible? Thanks.

Created on May 20, 2020 4:04:30 PM




If you want to have this option included in PRTG, you are welcome to open a Feature Request.
Feature Requests are enhancements you desire for the future and are voted by the customers.
This means that if your request gets many votes, this increases the prioritisation of our product owners.
You'll find more information in the following link: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/79245

Created on May 21, 2020 6:46:28 AM by  Marijan Horsky [Paessler Support]

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