Hi @Stephan,
I found a useful way around the issue, instead of using a Custom HTML Object with the <iFrame> tag.
This was my original code:
<iframe border="1" width="1280px"" height="720px" src="">
I went and used a JavaScript I found on the forum with a Refresh time of 2000ms.
Original Source of code:
<!--Custom Objects: IP Camera-->
<div class="map_object map_graph" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">">
<#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>">
<#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>">
// Script to download and refresh a webcam image from a Network Camera
$(document).ready(function() //let's do everything after the page had fully loaded
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera, set width and height
var BaseURL = "";
var DisplayWidth = "<@width>"; // @width and @height will be replaced with map object size
var DisplayHeight = "<@height>";
// This is the path to the image generating file inside the camera itself
var File = "/filepath=<@width>x<@height>&";
var url = BaseURL+File;
// Let's set the image URL and size
// Here we define our refreshing code. This must be done "dirty" because we may not
// use "function" etc. in a map object (the HTML of the map object is potentially loaded
// multiple times because it is used multiple times or because of the in-page refresh of PRTG
// let's test if the variable for the code is already defined. If yes, don't do it again!
if ((typeof(window["webcamrefreshcode"]) == "undefined"))
webcamrefreshcode="$('.webcam').each(function(i,a){$(a).attr('src',$(a).attr('src').replace(/\&.*$/, '') + '&' + Math.random())});setTimeout(webcamrefreshcode, 2000);";
theTimer = setTimeout(webcamrefreshcode, 2000);
<img class="webcam" src="" height="1" width="1" alt="Live Webcam Image">
<#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>">
I am now able to use the Dashboard's auto refresh options to keep it up to date, and the Camera feed is almost as if it was a live feed. Slightly jittery, skips a couple frames, but even someone running shows up. You could always play with the math within the if statement at the end of the Javascript it you wanted.
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