This article applies as of PRTG 22
Where to find MIB files
Note: Before you spend your time searching for Management Information Base (MIB) files and custom OIDs, check built-in SNMP libraries of PRTG first and start an auto-discovery.
PRTG then automatically creates sensors and channels for all available monitoring objects. If your device is not covered, you can start searching for custom MIBs/OIDs.
1. Often, device-specific MIB files are available on the manufacturer's website. If you do not find MIB files there, contact the manufacturer's customer support.
2. You can also search in general databases on the internet. The following websites offer an extensive selection of MIB files:
More links and resources can be found at
Once you have found the MIB files you need, see How can I import my MIB files into PRTG? for instructions on how to use them.
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