With the Geo Maps feature in PRTG, it is possible to integrate Google Maps into the PRTG web interface. Are there any limitations that apply when using this Google service?
5 Replies
Important notice: To use Google Maps in PRTG Network Monitor v13 or later, you need to acquire a new API key for Google Maps API v3. See How do I get a Google Maps API key for use in PRTG? for more information. |
PRTG uses this API to display geographical maps in the PRTG web interface. Thus, API restrictions apply to all PRTG users who use the Geo Maps feature.
Google sets no maximum daily limits on the number of requests that you can make to Google Maps Platform products, and the only usage limits are related to the maximum number of queries per second (QPS).
For more information, see the Google Maps API FAQ, section Usage limits and billing.
However, there is a load limit with regards to pricing. See the Google Maps Platform Platform Pricing & API Costs for more information.
Created on Aug 19, 2010 9:55:07 AM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
Last change on Dec 29, 2022 1:15:35 PM by
Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]
We just upgraded to PRTG 8, and it seem that we already have reached 1000 different image request. The text above says requests per viewer, what does that mean?
"frognkommune" asks: The text above says requests per viewer, what does that mean?
We simply do not know, Google doesn't tell us in detail. But it seems that they reset the counters every 24 hours. For more information please see Static Maps API V2 Developer Guide, section "Usage Limits".
Have you considered the option of using the Bing maps API instead, or perhaps make it an option within the application which map source to use? I say this because while Google has more up-to-date aerial imagery(which you don't presently support anyway), Bing has more up-to-date address location matching information. For my area, to even get close I have to manually enter Lat/Long geocode locations. On that note, since I have to do that, is it possible to use a alternate label for the location. For example, use a string in the Location field with the ability to encode a Google(or Bing) location search string with a alternate label. Something like:
123 Main St, Some City, Some State/Country [Home Office]
The address, or Lat/Long geocode, used by Google, the tag or reference in PRTG designated as "Home Office" and not the address or Lat/Long. PRTG could strip the [] delimited varibles and use the information it contains to specify a friendly name.
For me, typing in: Postcode FriendlyName: allows geomaps to locate *and* display FriendlyName, so:
CR0 1XU Company HQ
Correctly locates the postcode, shows the map, marks it as
CR0 1XU Company HQ
Which doesn't explain it very well, but just try putting s friendly name after the Postcode and you will see what I mean.
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