This can be done using the following tool:
It will provide you with a list of incidents for each sensor and how long it took for them to being acknowledged. Note that it requires PrtgAPI to be installed on the host you're executing it.
The output will look somewhat like this:
Date | Objid | Device | Sensor | Message | Response Time |
09.10.2018 15:06:22 | 1002 | Probe | Probe Health | Down | 4d 1h 26s |
You need to configure the PRTG Server as well as the start/end date (default: last 14 days). The amount of days depend on the historic data purging for the log entries (default is 30 days). Make sure to configure that properly under
Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes | Historic Data Purging | Logfile Records
Note that you'll get one entry per sensor state change, so it might turn out to be a long list. Put the following at the end of the script to receive CSV based output:
$Incidents | ConvertTo-CSV | Out-File C:\temp\outages.csv
Note that C:\temp needs to exist for this to work :)
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PRTGapi |
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Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team
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