Something like this should do the trick:
$computerName = "localhost",
$ignoreList = @("_Total", "svchost*")
$channelTemplateCPULoad = @"
<channel>[{0}] CPU Load</channel>
$channelTemplateMemoryUsage = @"
<channel>[{0}] Memory Usage</channel>
@{Name="Process Name"; Expression = {$}},
@{Name="CPU (%)"; Expression = {$_.PercentProcessorTime}},
@{Name="Memory (MB)"; Expression = {[Math]::Round(($_.workingSetPrivate / 1mb),2)}}
$Processes = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process -ComputerName $computerName | Select-Object $properties )
Write-Host "<prtg>";
Foreach($Process in $Processes){
if( $Process.'Process Name' -notmatch $ignoreList){
Write-Host ([string]::Format($channelTemplateCPULoad, $Process.'Process Name', $Process.'CPU (%)'))
Write-Host ([string]::Format($channelTemplateMemoryUsage, $Process.'Process Name', $Process.'Memory (MB)'))
Write-Host "</prtg>";
However, filtering via $ignoreList doesn't work properly yet, you'll need to work on that (otherwise, you'll have 300 or more svchost processes). The script is provided as is and should give you a starting point. We can't help in getting it up and running as desired in your environment. Please also check our Guide for PowerShell based Custom Sensors for further installation details.
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Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team
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