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PRTG Network Monitor

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[OPEN] More Features for "Device Tools"



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User Story

As an IT provider and PRTG User, I want a little more focus on device management in PRTG

Details of User Story

We have a big and heterogeneous IT-environment. So it would be nice to have the posibility to manage a device out of PRTG without the need to start the big, proprietary management solution of the device every time we (for example) need to have a quick look on the active ports on a switch.

The "device tools" are basically a good concept, but in my eyes with a lot of room for improvement. Here is my suggestion list:

• The ability to pass more parameters via wildcards. At least it should be possible to pass the SNMP settings and credentials to an external application.

• The ability to export device tools defined on one EC installation and import them into another installation. Even better: a central managed common part of the device tools.

• Nice to have: Context sensitive device tools that allow the visibility of individual tools to be toggled by device-tags.



device-tools improve-prtg prtg-kbtracker

Created on Oct 19, 2018 9:06:21 AM

Last change on Oct 19, 2018 12:12:49 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]


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