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User Story
As a PRTG user, I want to display filtered sensors in a library as separate devices.
Details of User Story
I am currently attempting to create libraries to monitor servers and databases, filtering according to device tags.
While it's possible to create groups within a library, nodes can only display sensors - not nested under device headings. The libraries list many sensors for the tagged devices, but there's currently no option to nest them within devices.
An example for what I'd like according to this thread:
Device tags are SQLServer2012; SQLServer2014; etc
-SQL Server Versions (Library) --SQL Server 2012(Group) -----Device1 (and not only sensors) -----Device2 (and not only sensors)
--SQL Server 2014(Group) -----Device3 (and not only sensors) -----Device4 (and not only sensors)
Acceptance criteria
- The option to display filtered sensors within a library under individual device headings.
- This should be an toggleable option within a group's settings