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Feature Request: SNMP Traffic Sensor already exist indication



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User Story

As a PRTG User, I want to add the SNMP traffic sensor to additional ports on a network switch with many ports, where already some of them are added in PRTG.

Details of User Story

Right now I only see if a port is connected or not, but I also want to see if a port is already added in PRTG. I always need to open a second browser tab and cross-check, which takes additional time and is inconvenient. Deleting all existing sensors and adding all ports again is not a good option, as we will lose historical data.

Acceptance criteria

  • Add another column in the "add sensor GUI" indicating that a sensor is already placed on the device



improve-prtg prtg-kbtracker snmp-traffic

Created on Feb 14, 2019 12:17:31 PM

Last change on Feb 14, 2019 12:35:19 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]


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