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User Story
As a PRTG User, I want the 'Execute HTTP Action' custom notification template to be able to send the body as a JSON object and set an HTTP Header ("Authorization").
Details of User Story
When making API calls to external systems such as Ansible Tower, parameters such as JSON in the body and HTTP authentication/authorization headers are required. In the current implementation of custom HTTP notification templates with PRTG, only unauthenticated/unauthorized HTTP headers without JSON in the body are supported. Most enterprise applications require authorization and/or authentication, and JSON as the body format. Currently, the only option for the body of the message is the 'Payload' field which is just a giant string.
Acceptance criteria
- 'Execute HTTP Action' custom notification template should include an option to send the body as JSON, and when selected, should accept properly formatted JSON. Bonus points for built-in JSON validater in the field.
- 'Execute HTTP Action' custom notification template should include an option to set an HTTP authorization header, which might include a token or API key (among other possible HTTP authorization methods).
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