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User Story
As we feel its a basic thing, and really nice to know information for server administrators if thir server is waiting for a reboot after a Windows Update or Software been installed. Even though this should be done automaticly , its not alwayes working as intended.
Details of User Story
We been using this PS script from Microsoft , but as we bought PTRG we would have hoped for a sensor that could do the same:
>#---------------------------------------------------------------------- >----------- #The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft >standard support #program or service. The sample scripts are provided >AS IS without warranty #of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all >implied warranties including, #without limitation, any implied >warranties of merchantability or of fitness for #a particular purpose. >The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of #the sample >scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall >#Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, >production, or #delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages >whatsoever (including, #without limitation, damages for loss of >business profits, business interruption, #loss of business information, >or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use #of or inability to use >the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft #has been >advised of the possibility of such damages >#---------------------------------------------------------------------- >----------- > >#requires -version 3.0 > ><# >.SYNOPSIS >The PowerShell script which can be used to check if the server is pending reboot. >.DESCRIPTION >The PowerShell script which can be used to check if the server is pending reboot. >.PARAMETER ComputerName >Gets the server reboot status on the specified computer. >.EXAMPLE >C:\PS> C:\Script\FindServerIsPendingReboot.ps1 -ComputerName "WIN-VU0S8","WIN-FJ6FH","WIN-FJDSH","WIN-FG3FH" > >ComputerName RebootIsPending >------------ --------------- >WIN-VU0S8 False >WIN-FJ6FH True >WIN-FJDSH True >WIN-FG3FH True > >This command will get the reboot status on the specified remote computers. >#> >param >( >[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] >[String[]]$ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME >) > >Foreach($cn in $ComputerName) >{ >#Declare the variable >$PendingFile = $false >$AutoUpdate = $false >$CBS = $false >$SCCMPending = $false > >#Determine PendingFileRenameOperations exists of not $PendFileKeyPath = >"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\" > >Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock{ Get-ItemProperty -Path >$using:PendFileKeyPath -name PendingFileRenameOperations} -ErrorAction >SilentlyContinue |` >Foreach{If($_.PendingFileRenameOperations){$PendingFile = >$true}Else{$PendingFile = $false}} > >#Determine RebootRequired subkey exists or not $AutoUpdateKeyPath = >"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" >Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock {Test-Path -Path >"$using:AutoUpdateKeyPath\RebootRequired"} |` Foreach{If($_ -eq >$true){$AutoUpdate = $true}Else{$AutoUpdate = $false}} > >#Determine SCCM 2012 reboot require >$SCCMReboot = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace 'Root\ccm\clientSDK' >-ClassName 'CCM_ClientUtilities' -ComputerName $cn ` -Name >'DetermineIfRebootPending' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > >If($SCCMReboot) >{ >If($SCCMReboot.RebootPending -or $SCCMReboot.IsHardRebootPending) { >$SCCMPending = $true } } > >#Determine Component-Based Servicing reboot require #The servicing >stack is available on all Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 installations. >$CBSKeyPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\" >Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock {Test-Path -Path >"$using:CBSKeyPath\RebootPending"} |` Foreach{If($_ -eq $true){$CBS = >$true}Else{$CBS = $false}} > >If($PendingFile -or $AutoUpdate -or $CBS -or $SCCMPending) { >[PSCustomObject]@{ComputerName = $cn;RebootIsPending = $true} } Else { >[PSCustomObject]@{ComputerName = $cn;RebootIsPending = $false} } }
Acceptance criteria
- Registery Check is the most used so if this could be working it would solve most cases.
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