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User Story
As a PRTG User, I want to have a verbose push sensor response when calling probes to submit my specific sensor data.
Details of User Story
As of now the default response of the webinterface when submitting push data is of the form { "status": "Ok", "Matching Sensors": "0" } when no sensor has been found. That's not helpfull. Please implement a URI parameter verbose of the form http://myserver:myport/myguid?verbose=true&.... which extends the json response:
- which guid was used -> "guid"
- which probe did reply -> "probe"
- has there been an internal error or is any useful information available to troubleshoot the problem? -> "message"
like that: { "status": "Ok", "Matching Sensors": "0", "guid": "myguid", "probe": "myprobe", "message": "there are no guids configured on this probe" }
Acceptance criteria
- Implement a URI parameter verbose