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FeedHow to set alarm audio to play continuously until it is acknowledged



Hello Paessler support,

I have configured audio alarm when a sensor down successfully in PRTG Window applicartion. However, the audio alarm just plays one time around 2 seconds. IMO, it should be better if the audio alarm play continuously until the sensors is acknowledged. Is there a way to configure?

Thanks in advance.

alarm audio sensor

Created on May 6, 2020 6:59:24 AM

5 Replies



Hi there,

this is not possible. However, the Desktop App will play the whole audio file. Therefore, if you want to have a longer sound notification, you can use a sound file with a longer duration.

Created on May 6, 2020 8:16:07 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]



Hi Moritz,

Thank you for your confirmation. I think it should be better if Paessler could add this feature in the next updates. It is very useful for our operation.

Created on May 7, 2020 3:26:16 AM



Hi there,

In this case, please create a feature request. If enough user votes for the request we will add it to our pipeline.

Created on May 7, 2020 6:11:33 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]




the sound when an alarm apears will be played every thirty seconds until is acknowledged (like tienngo requested), but I want the sound just once to be played for a new alarm...is this possible?

Best regards, Daniel

Created on Oct 20, 2021 10:56:50 AM



Hi Daniel,

The alarm is indeed triggered when the page is refreshed or while navigating in PRTG. I'm afraid that there is no option to modify it at the moment. Therefore, I invite you to open a feature request for it by following the guide provided by my colleague above.


Created on Oct 21, 2021 10:25:43 AM by  Florian Lesage [Paessler Support]

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