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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedDelay PRTG sensas warning or error state



Dear Paessler development team,

I've been reading the feature requests and my demand is reflected in several questions from other users already but I would like to make this issue more "general".

We are using PRTG for almost 20 years now and what we like about it is the console display where it is easy to see the alarm states in a glimpse. In our IT department, the PRTG console is displayed on a large 32" public display, and we're all using the app on our mobile phone too.

While using almost 1000 sensors now, the false alarm rate is growing and our console is showing almost permanently warning and error states because of false interpretations, like

  • High CPU alarms
  • Long ping delay alarms
  • Device off-line alarms
  • High bandwidth alarms,
  • etc.

So it becomes difficult and time consuming to distinguish the real critical alarms. The workaround that you mostly give to the users is to use the e-mail notification system where you can program a delay before sending an e-mail. But we do receive so many e-mails already! We would rather stick to the nicely colored alarms display on the PRTG console and the app on our Android phones.

Today we have the possibility to configure "set sensor to warning for 5 intervals, then set to down". It would really be nice if we would be able to input the number of intervals N ourselves, like: set sensor to warning after N intervals, then set sensor to down after N intervals. And if we set both values to zero, we can continue to collect statistical data without the sensor going into an warning or error state at all!

Another additional way to reduce false alarms would be to in the channel settings where we could input the number of intervals in the "limits" section. Either by detecting the limit for N consecutive intervals, or by taking the average of the last N intervals.

If you could transform my question into a general feature request, I'm almost sure that there will be quit an amount of "thumbs up"...

Kind regards,
Sensas SA, Thad Seth Paul.

limits prtg sensor-state

Created on Oct 9, 2020 12:36:14 PM

Last change on Oct 12, 2020 5:48:37 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

1 Reply



Hi there,

if you wan to create an actual feature request, please take a look at the following Knowledge Base article: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/79245-how-can-i-propose-new-features-or-sensors-for-prtg

Kind regards,
Matthias Kupfer - Team Tech Support

Created on Oct 12, 2020 2:13:51 PM by  Matthias Kupfer [Paessler Support]

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