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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedHPE Virtual Connect Sensor



My HPE Virtual Connect is setup as Active/Passive, I only have two virtual connect bays at this time. PRTG is monitoring both Virtual Connect bays independently, currently when one bay is a "Passive state", it shows as "down" due to no traffic being passed monitored. This is a false positive in my opinion due to the setup of the Virtual Connect. Is there a setting or setup in PRTG that understands that when one virtual connect module bay is not in use will not to show up in a "down" state when not active, but if both virtual connect module are "down" will then trigger a "down" state? I can not find or figure out a way to configure PRTG to monitor each virtual connect module to monitor each other without one module always showing up as down. I have looked into dependencies, but this does not appear to work. any assistance will be appreciated.

active-passive prtg traffic-monitoring

Created on Oct 12, 2020 2:22:15 PM

1 Reply




you can use a business process sensor to only trigger an alarm if both of the interfaces are down.

The following Knowledge-Base article explains how the business process sensor works, including some examples: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/66647-how-does-the-business-process-sensor-calculate-summarized-sensor-states.

Kind regards,
Matthias Kupfer - Team Tech Support

Created on Oct 13, 2020 2:05:05 PM by  Matthias Kupfer [Paessler Support]

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